GMA, at El Shaddai rites, prays for national unity

President Arroyo urged Filipinos yesterday to be united even as she prodded them to seek God’s help in delivering the country from social and economic ills.

In her speech during the 17th anniversary celebration of the religious group El Shaddai at Rizal Park Saturday night, the President said prayers are needed for the country to finally experience peace and prosperity.

"Let us cry out to heaven and pray that God may turn us away from our wicked ways. Let us pray that He will heal our land," she said.

The President was wildly cheered by the El Shaddai crowd, numbering almost a million, when she acknowledged the presence of Sen. Luisa Ejercito, wife of deposed President Joseph Estrada, and Sen. Panfilo Lacson, a staunch ally of the fallen leader.

The group openly supported Estrada in the 1998 elections but took a neutral stand during impeachment trial which led to Estrada’s ouster last Jan. 20.

El Shaddai leader Mariano "Brother Mike" Velarde said the anniversary was a fitting occasion to show his wish for peace and unity in the country. The event coincided with his 62nd birthday.

"Let us be examples to all Filipinos. Let us show them that we have learned to forget the past and focus on the future," Velarde said. "If there is no unity, there is no peace. When there is no peace, then there is no progress."

The President said the country is going through trying times not only economically but politically, as the people and institutions are being divided by intrigues.

She expressed confidence, however, that whatever happens is all part of God’s plan.

"Let us discern God’s will. Let us discern when God thinks it is the time for fighting and when He thinks it is the time for peace," she said. "Let us, through prayer, ask Him for peace."

The President noted that she has been attending El Shaddai’s anniversary rites for the last 10 years and that she considers yesterday’s event a "perfect timing" to unite again with the group.

"I am glad for this opportunity to unite again with you. God gave me this perfect day for us to be together again," she said.

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