Slain lawyer’s kin cry for justice

BAGUIO CITY — "We want justice. We want to know the truth."

The brother of a Filipino lawyer brutally murdered along with his family in Sydney begged the government yesterday to actively participate in a probe by the Australian police.

Engineer Frederick Gonzales, younger brother of 46-year-old victim Teodoro Gonzales, said he learned of the killings only Wednesday night and had yet to get in touch with authorities in Manila.

"We urge the Philippine government, through the consul to Australia, to seriously look into it so that we will know the truth," Gonzales said as he fought back tears during an interview here in the family’s hometown. He has two sisters also based in this city.

Gonzales was set to go to Manila later in the day to meet with Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) officials to facilitate a quick visa for Australia. He and other relatives are expected to fly to Sydney today.

Vice President and Foreign Affairs Secretary Teofisto Guingona has ordered the consular assistance division to extend full assistance to the victims’ kin.

Gonzales said they have yet to receive word from his brother’s son Sef. They want the remains flown back to the Philippines.

"We want them here, but it depends on what will be discussed in Sydney," Gonzales said.

Gonzales pointed out that the surviving son would be the one to decide if his parents and sister are to be buried here.

In Manila, consular assistance division chief Antonio Curameng said a sister of the lawyer’s wife Loiva has already been issued an Australian visa.

Annie Rose Claridades-Paraan and her husband are also set to leave for Sydney today.

Curameng said the Philippine Embassy in Canberra has already written the Australian Foreign Ministry for a thorough investigation and speedy resolution of the case. – With Aurora Alambra, Pia Lee-Brago

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