Cory joins international shelter project

Former President Corazon Aquino has accepted an invitation to build homes for the needy in South Korea side-by-side with former US President Jimmy Carter and South Korean President and Nobel Peace Laureate Kim Dae Jung.

Aquino was among more than 50 current and former heads of state personally invited by Carter to participate in World Leaders Build, a worldwide event of Habitat for Humanity International to fight poverty through housing.

World leaders in five continents will participate in the project which celebrates Habitat’s 25th anniversary. It will take place simultaneously from Aug. 6 to 11 in five continents.

Habitat for Humanity International, a non-profit organization, was founded by Millard and Linda Fuller to end homelessness by constructing simple, decent and affordable housing for needy families. Volunteers and partner families work together to build Habitat homes, which are then sold to the selected families at no-profit, no-interest terms.

World Leaders Build hopes to involve the world’s government, corporate and civic leaders in building Habitat houses in their respective countries and raising public awareness for the needy to eradicate poverty through housing. Among the countries participating in World Leaders Build are Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and India.

"Owning a decent home is often the first step in regaining one’s basic dignity and overcoming the cycle of poverty," said Fernando Zobel de Ayala, chairman of Ayala Land, Inc. and a Habitat trustee.

Zobel chairs the Philippine National Steering Committee of World Leaders Build. "I am personally convinced that Habitat provides an effective and participative way to bridge the social gap," he added.

In the Philippines, President Arroyo will lead the activities for World Leaders Build on Aug. 6. President Arroyo has appealed to all sectors to take part in such projects, especially in the light of the recent national events such as the May 1 rebellion.

She and members of her Cabinet have agreed to help build homes for the needy in Pinugay, Rizal.

Some leaders of government, business, media and civic groups have already responded to Mrs. Arroyo’ s call by being part of the World Leaders Build National Steering Committee. These include Housing Secretary Michael Defensor, Marixi Prieto, board chairman of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Robert Kuan, chairman of the board of trustees of St. Luke’s Medical Center, and Frank Padilla, national director of Couples for Christ.

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