Jackie arrives from HK sans VIP treatment

No special treatment this time.

Airport authorities personally monitored the arrival Friday night of Jacqueline Ejercito-Lopez from Hong Kong only to find that the daughter of deposed President Joseph Estrada got no special treatment.

This, despite the fact that Jacqueline believes she is still a presidential daughter.

"Legally, my father is still the president," she told airport reporters.

No less than Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) general manager Edgardo Manda was said to be watching from a discreet distance to see if there would be any reprise of the controversial arrival last Sunday night of one of Estrada’s mistresses Laarni Enriquez. Enriquez was escorted past Immigration officials by former airport officials.

Jacqueline, carrying her sleeping son, arrived with her husband Manuel "Beaver" Lopez Jr. at 10:55 p.m. at the NAIA II.

Airport monitors videotaped her from the time she emerged from the aerobridge, as NAIA personnel were on the lookout for persons like Jake Acuña, Ernesto Yabut and a certain "DJ" who had facilitated Enriquez’s passage through immigration and Customs.

But without much ado, Jacqueline surrendered her passport to an immigration officer for stamping and submitted the Customs declaration form to an examiner.

No one was seen ushering Jacqueline, who was in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, past the usual airport amenities. Rey Arquiza

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