

Security in the days of living dangerously

- by Joseph Velasquez -
It was 12:30 a.m. of Friday, Jan. 19. Rep. Hernani Braganza of Pangasinan and retired general Leo Alvez met with then Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in a secret place.

Alvez, commander of the Presidential Security Group during the term of Fidel Ramos, had been tasked by the prosecution panel in Joseph Estrada’s impeachment trial to take charge of securing the prosecutors, the many witnesses and the voluminous documents in their possession.

Prosecution requests to Estrada for security had been ignored. Hernani Braganza, at the time a Pangasinan congressman, was head of the prosecution’s Secretariat and was the one who recruited Alvez.

On that fateful morning, barely 48 hours after the Se-nate voted 11-10 not to open the controversial second envelope of the "Jose Velarde" account, Alvez had an urgent message for Arroyo. He revealed that some elements of the Armed Forces were preparing to move against the Estrada administration.

"Baka junta" was Arroyo’s initial response. After being assured that the military’s move would recognize her as the constitutional successor, she expressed concern for civilians in case military elements loyal to Estrada confronted the breakaway forces.

Later in the morning, Alvez told Braganza to call Arroyo to be at a house in Corinthian Gardens at noon due to a "new development." It was the house of Alvez’s friend Eddie Jose, who had no inkling of what would happen when he agreed to play host to a special meeting.

The vice president arrived at past noon to meet Alvez and Armed Forces chief Gen. Angelo Reyes, who was at that moment being summoned by President Estrada to Malacañang.

In a 30-minute meeting, Reyes told Arroyo that the AFP had decided to support her as Estrada’s constitutional successor in order to prevent bloodshed and to keep its integrity intact. He then summoned all the service commanders to the Corinthian house to show unified support for Arroyo.

She assured them of good governance, promising to fight graft and corruption and maintain professionalism in the military.

"They were so professional," Braganza recounts. "They even said, if you don’t believe in us you can replace us."

At 1:20 p.m., Reyes called Estrada from the garden of the residence to tell him of the AFP’s collective decision to withdraw support and back Arroyo.

The meeting at Corinthian Gardens ended with a prayer. Those present then proceeded to the EDSA Shrine to join the people calling for Estrada’s ouster.

Braganza noted that his association with Alvez started with the objective of protecting the prosecution panel and witnesses. Who would’ve thought it would play a part in the overthrow of Estrada?

1. Nov. 24, 2000/Friday

I received a call from Rep. Nani Braganza requesting we meet in Makati. I obliged and we discussed the possibility of soliciting the assistance of Maj. Gen. Leo Alvez (retired) in providing security for both the prosecution panel and the witnesses for the proposed impeachment trial against then President Joseph Ejercito Estrada.

I immediately called Gen. Alvez the same afternoon in Cebu who was then playing golf and enjoying his retirement from the AFP. Rep. Braganza then talked to the General but no firm commitment was given. Gen. Alvez told me and Cong. Braganza that he will be coming to Manila the following week and that we can discuss details the day he arrives.

2. Nov. 28, 2000/Tuesday

On the afternoon of this date, Gen. Alvez (PMA ’66) arrived in Manila from Cebu. He immediately proceeded to Via Mare Restaurant in Makati where a meeting was held between myself, Cong. Braganza and the General.

He accepted the job without any pre-condition. He was explicit in saying that he accepted this particular work assignment on the basis of the cause the prosecution panel has espoused. A pact was sealed.

3. Dec. 1, 2000/Friday

On the afternoon of this day, Gen. Alvez and myself went to the residence of Cong. Sonny Belmonte in Quezon City together with Cong. Braganza. Being the prosecution panel chairman, Cong. Belmonte gave his overall view on how the prosecution intends to carry out the President’s impeachment trial.

What was revealing in this meeting is Cong. Belmonte’s pronouncement that only 10 percent of the proposed prosecution plan has to be protected. He was also explicit in his desire that minimal security be set in place for we are not "in a state of war."

We were having merienda when the 11-man prosecution panel arrived. Notable among them were Cong. Joker Arroyo, Cong. Oscar Moreno, Cong. Nachura, Cong. Baterina, Cong. Clavel Martinez. Also present during the merienda meeting were Cong. Braganza, Cong. Nonoy Andaya, Cong. Edmund Reyes (who that morning was designated panel spokesman).

When media people started arriving, Gen. Alvez decided to leave so that his role in this whole exercise will not be unnecessarily exposed. We took the back exit of Cong. Belmonte’s residence.

That night, while watching a late newscast, Gen. Alvez file video appeared on the screen of ABS-CBN Channel 2. I immediately called the General and informed him of this development. We later found out that one of those present during the said meeting accidentally divulged his presence. Luckily, however, what was mentioned was "only the Prosecution panel’s desire to solicit his services as Prosecution Panel Security Consultant."

4. Dec. 2, 2000/Saturday

Gen. Alvez and I attended a dinner party at Pan Pacific Hotel Manila hosted by a common friend. In attendance in that party were Cong. Ricky Sandoval, Cong. Ace Barbers, Cong. Braganza (all of the Spice Boys fame), Gen. Avelino Razon, Jr. and Col. Bong Franco. We took this occasion to meet Gen. Razon and informed him of our assigned task in assisting the Prosecution Panel.

Gen. Alvez sought Gen. Razon’s arrangement that our safehouse (which we prefer to call Area II) be located in Manila considering its proximity to the Senate where the Impeachment Trial will be held. Owing to the close personal relationship between Gen. Alvez and Gen. Razon (having worked together at Presidential Security Group of then President Fidel V. Ramos) the later acceded to the former’s request.

5. Dec. 4, 2000/Monday

Gen. Alvez visited Gen. Angelo Reyes, his classmate, bunkmate and compadre at Camp Aguinaldo to inform him of his commitment to the Prosecution Panel.

Gen. Alvez personally recruited security personnel from among retired enlisted personnel who have experience in providing VIP security with assistance of active Philippine Army officer. He also tasked me to request Cavalier Romulo T. Salamat, (PMA ’82) to join our cause. Cav. Salamat, a native of Tigaon, Camarines Sur, willingly obliged and was initially tasked to gather intelligence information from among various intelligence units of the Philippine National Police and the AFP and to take charge of the security operations.

6. Dec. 5, 2000/Tuesday

Gen. Alvez and myself conducted an ocular inspection at Antel Condominium along Roxas Blvd., Pasay City (this was then known as Area I). Said Condominium was intended to house the Secretariat, the media bureau and other support groups for the Prosecution Panel. Initially, this area was considered to be the safehouse for witnesses. Gen. Alvez’s reservation, however, is that it is located in Pasay City, an area which is not under our "control."

It was during this inspection that it was decided that services of retired officer Lt. Col. Gil Maglaque (PMA ’78) be designated as Area Security Officer together with Atty. Paul Gueco (who later was assigned to the Tañada Room of the Phil. Senate). Area I was also designated as the Staging Area for the Prosecution Panel. Further, the volunteers were tasked to handle document security. Covert security operations were also conducted in Area I headed by Cavalier Salamat.

7. Dec. 6, 2000/Wednesday

Gen. Razon informed us that Area II had been located. Area II was Orchid Garden Suites along P. Ocampo street (formerly Vito Cruz).

8. Dec. 7, 2000/Thursday

Today, I had an early breakfast with Gen. Alvez at Cafe Adriatico, Remedios Circle, Manila. After breakfast, we proceeded by foot to Orchid Garden Suites along P. Ocampo street in Manila. We find the said hotel suitable for our purpose. We also inquired as to the hotel’s ownership and found out that the Roces family have controlling interest of the hotel, fact that we appreciated since said family is perceived to be cause-oriented. Initial arrangements were made.

In the meantime, Gen. Alvez was preparing the security plan for the whole exercise based on his observations and the intelligence reports submitted by Cav. Salamat. Included in the plan are communication’s equipment, documents security, VIP security, area security, intelligence gathering requirement, contingency plans, etc. These plans were later discussed with Cong. Braganza.

9. Dec. 7, 2000/Thursday

Jericho March and the 1st Day of the Impeachment Trial. We had lunch at Hyatt Regency Hotel along Roxas Boulevard together with the entire Prosecution Panel. Here, Gen. Alvez and I met Cong. Braganza and observed the security arrangements. The 11-man Prosecution Panel’s security personnel provide the main bulk of our monthly security force. Gen. Alvez also noticed the absence of a motorcycle unit to accompany the group and he immediately called NCRPO Director Edgar Aglipay and requested that we be provided such. Gen. Aglipay without hesitation, obliged and the following hearing day two motorcycle policemen arrived to assist us.

Gen. Alvez reviewed the security plan and presented said plan to Cong. Braganza. We also visited the Tanada room for security assessment.

10. Dec. 9, 2000/Saturday

Another meeting was held at Via Mare Restaurant among Gen. Alvez, Cong. Branganza and myself. Gen. Alvez provided Cong. Braganza with a comprehensive security plan with revisions as to the Dec. 8 plan earlier presented.

This was also the day the technical group conducted a sweep at Area I to ensure that the said Area is not being bugged.

11. Dec. 10, 2000/Sunday

Upon instructions from Gen. Alvez, I had a breakfast meeting at Mario’s Restaurant, Quezon City with Col. Jaime G. Caringal (PMA, 76) to assess the situation at the Philippine National Police. This confirmed our suspicion that there are disgruntled elements within the PNP.

Later that afternoon, the Technical Group conducted a survey of Cong. Belmonte’s residence to determine whether said residence is "safe" for holding caucuses and meeting. The Technical Group later recommended that this area not be used for said purpose, considering its vulnerability for bugs and surveillances.

12. Dec. 11, 2000/Monday

The third day of the trial.
This was the day we checked in at Orchid Garden Suites (then known as Area II) under the pretext of a Custom Brokerage Office under my name. We silently moved in our security personnel. Later that day we distributed our Nextel units, our main communication equipment.

13. Dec. 12, 2000/Tuesday

The fourth day of the trial.
What was significant on this day was the arrival of the Prosecution’s Star Witness, Gov. Luis "Chavit" Singson. Upon his arrival early that afternoon, a brief brownout occurred. When power was restored through an emergency generator, Gov. Singson, Gen. Alvez together with Maj. Verzosa (ret.) and some security personnel boarded the elevator going to their 11th floor billet. Midway, the regular power was restored and the elevator was put to a sudden stop. Gen. Alvez noticed that there was no fear in Gov. Singson’s face given this situation. The General discerned that Gov. Singson is determined to go through the ordeal of confronting not only a long time friend but more importantly the President of the Republic.

From then on calls from active military personnel started coming in.

14. Dec. 13, 2000/Wednesday

The fifth day of the trial.
The fifth impeachment trial day was quite and went well. There is not much work for the security group except liaison work with various police and military agencies. As had been our habit from hereon we watch the trial on television and played cards to wile away our item.

15. Dec. 14, 2000/Thursday

This is the sixth day of the trial.
We are getting used to our daily routine. The trial starts at two o’clock in the afternoon and ends at about eight o’clock in the evening. We normally have an early packed lunch and by one o’clock our security personnel were prepared to accompany our VIP’s. They would later come back at about nine o’clock at night.

By this time, the courageous women in the persons of Ms. Emma Lim and Menchu Itchon were already under our "care" so with their husbands and children.

After all our witnesses have been secured for the night, Gen. Alvez would wander freely around Manila’s choice eateries and restaurants. Among them were Dosanko, an old Japanese Restaurant along A. Mabini, Mr. Poon, also along A. Mabini which serves good Chinese cuisine and of course the now famous Hap Chang along A. Malvar, Mabini known for their delectable dimsum dishes.

16. Dec. 15, 2000/Friday

The seventh day of the trial.
We were about to complete the first week of our assigned task (the trials are held Mondays to Fridays). By now we were so used to our daily routine. Other than the witnesses, members of the Prosecution Panel and the Private Prosecutors visit our Area almost on a daily basis. They normally hold meeting at the Penthouse suite in the morning and some of them even sleep and secure rooms at other floors.

By now, we could sense that the whole team feels comfortable with our security arrangements. What can be appreciated were the exhausted and yet fulfilling smiles each of us share every morning when we meet at Cafe Alicia, the hotel’s art nouveau restaurant for breakfast.

The seventh day of the trial was uneventful but full of promises as the witnesses bravely faced the defense panel. Emma Lim and Menchu Itchon were the heroines of the week. Little did we know their being catapulted to this unexpected stature will pose problems for the Security Groups as our people were to escort them to speaking engagements and other activities in praise of their achievements. Our motley group of six security personnel definitely has to increase.

17. Dec. 18, 2000/Monday

This is the eighth day of the trial.
By now, the impeachment hearings have turned into a telenovela. Most Filipinos were glued to their television sets by mid afternoon.

On this day, we also intensified security arrangements for the prosecutors and the witnesses. We attended several meetings wherein we discussed counter-surveillance activities geared towards the security of our witnesses. We also devised escape plans.

18 Dec. 19-21, 2000/Tuesday -Thursday

The ninth to the 12th day of the trial.
Gen. Alvez, missing his golf game went to the Intramuros Golf Course and played a full eighteen-hole game.

On this day, we ordered additional Nextel Communication units to boost our communications network.

Between these dates, we found out that our request for organic AFP personnel has not been approved.

Gen. Alvez met with Rocky Ileto for consultations.

19. Dec. 22, 2000/Friday

The 13th day of the trial.
On the 13th trial day a "bomb" exploded. The testimony of Ms. Clarissa Ocampo. This intelligent woman confirmed the existence of the "Jose Velarde" account with the Equitable-PCI Bank. More damaging was her testimony that no less than President Joseph Ejercito Estrada signed the specimen signature card under the name of "Jose Velarde."

After Ms. Ocampo’s testimony, we received an urgent call from Cong. Braganza requesting our presence at the Senate. We immediately went to the Senate and escorted Ms. Ocampo out of the Senate premises.

At the PCI Towers along Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, we later learned that security arrangement for Ms. Ocampo and Atty. Curato (also at PCI Equitable) has not been put in place. It was later decided that Renato de Villa’s group would be in custody of Ms. Ocampo.

After Ms. Ocampo left the Tower an unidentified man with eyeglasses approached Gen. Alvez and Cong. Braganza. We learned that this middle-aged man is Atty. Manuel Curato, a corroborative witness to Ms. Ocampo’s testimony. Seemingly lost, we offered Atty. Curato our assistance and decided to bring him over to Area II. All the while, Mr. Curato thought that we were part of Ms. Ocampo’s entourage and when we arrived at Area II he became inquisitive and suspicious. He asked that he be brought back to the PCI towers. Gen. Alvez ordered one of our security personnel to escort Mr. Curato back to the Tower.

The following week was advent week and we surmised that our workload would be relatively light. We were mistaken. Gen. Alvez instead of returning to Cebu City decided to send his family over for the Christmas break.

20. Dec. 23-30, 2000 (Christmas Week)

Practically the whole week was not devoted to our respective families. I have to attend to my unfinished personal businesses while General Alvez and Cavalier Salamat made other arrangements with military and police units.

On 26th December, we returned to Area II. Our witnesses stayed behind during Christmas day together with our security personnel. We spent our whole day in the Area and never went home thereafter.

The 29th of December was slated to be the Prosecution Panel’s Christmas party. The party, after long deliberation, was held at the Manila Yacht Club.

The 30th day of December was very significant for the Security Group. A spate of bombing took place in the whole of Metro Manila. Gen. Alvez was alarmed at this development. That afternoon at six in the evening, Gen. Alvez attended the wedding of Gen. Reyes’ son where President Estrada was one of the principal sponsors. Gen. Alvez also took the opportunity to talk to some key military personnel.

21. Jan. 02, 2001/Monday

The 14th day of the trial.
Atty. Manuel Curato, the legal officer of Equitable-PCI Bank and the person who corroborated Ms. Clarissa Ocampo’s testimony regarding the Jose Velarde account arrived as our house guest together with his whole family.

The trial resumes, and, as routinely, we attended to our witnesses, Prosecutors and Private Prosecutors. Considering the long vacation, our security personnel were still sharp and adept in their assigned task.

At eight o’clock in the evening, we had dinner with the Alvez family and Gen. Razon at Century Park Sheraton.

22. Jan. 3-5, 2001

The 15th to the 17th days of the trial.
Having only a four-day trial week, not much movement was required of the Security Group. Minor witnesses were presented by the Prosecution Panel mostly from the banking sector.

What was significant though was the controversial Delia Rajas which caused some uproar from the gallery and the viewing public.

This week was devoted to drawing up plans in preparation for the judgment day then slated for Feb. 12, 2001. Specifically Gen. Alvez prepared an evacuation plan for witnesses, prosecutors and employees of the Prosecution Panel. Both Cong. Braganza and Gen. Alvez were of the same opinion that come judgment day, the situation will turn chaotic considering the mounting tension from both the pro and anti-Erap camps. Our primary concern was the safety of all those who worked for the prosecution team.

23. Jan. 07, 2001/Sunday

Anticipating possible scenarios for the Feb. 12, 2001 judgment day I contacted Alex Tanabe to help us liaise with the media, PR and cause oriented groups.

We met with Cong. Braganza to discuss the media plan.

23. Jan. 08-12, 2001

The 18th to the 22nd days of the trial.
Another set of witnesses arrived namely: Mr. Jose Yulo and Chairman Perfecto Yasay. The trial for the week centered on the BW case. This week trial was very technical and considered less extensive.

Nonetheless, our evacuation plan was given its final touches through consultation with various police agencies involved on the judgment day scenario. Our main concern then was to see to it that our people can be extricated safely from the Senate premises.

The week ended uneventfully.

25. Jan. 15, 2001/Monday

The 23rd day of the trial.
We expected a heated trial day. We were informed that on this day the Chief Justice will rule on the controversial second envelope. The ruling never came.

26. Jan. 16, 2001/Tuesday

The 24th day of the trial. Voting day 11-10
The Private Prosecution Panel decided to walk out of the impeachment court after the controversial vote by the senators. Cardinal Sin and former President Corazon Aquino called on the people to gather at the EDSA Shrine.

A meeting was also held later that night between Gen. Alvez and some military officers.

27. January 17, 2001/Wednesday

A lunch meeting between Col. Jimmy Caringal and Gen. Alvez was held at Grand Boulevard Hotel.

Col. Caringal together with some officers from PNP appraised Gen. Alvez on the moves of some military/police sector for a planned coup against the President. Gen. Alvez asked Col. Caringal to relay to the concerned parties that such a move be held in abeyance.

The Prosecution Panel headed by Cong. Belmonte tendered their resignation. A suggestions was forwarded wherein mass rallies will be moved from EDSA to Mendiola.

Gen. Leo Alvez opined that such a move would be detrimental to the cause considering that should violence breaks out on the street, the declaration of Martial Law could be legitimized. he then consulted and gave his opinion to Cong. Nani Braganza who in turn referred the matter to the organizing committee. Cong. Braganza together with Sen. Loren Legarda-Leviste concurred with Gen. Alvez’s recommendation that the Mendiola rally be deferred. This was carried out. Gen. Alvez then instructed Cavalier Romy T. Salamat to intensify his intelligence gathering as to the moves of the pro-Erap military and police.

28. Jan. 18, 2001/Thursday

Lunch at Cafe Africana with Gen. Razon.

Gen. Razon was in agreement that moving the street protest in Mendiola will only aggravate the situation considering that the pro-Erap demonstrators were intensifying.

Gen. Alvez then asked Gen. Razon to arrange a meeting between him and Gen. Ebdane (the one tasked to handle Camp Crame).

Dinner at Via Mare

We received a call from Gen. Razon that our meeting with Gen. Ebdane was set for 7:30 p.m. at AFPCOC. We first had dinner and about 9 p.m. arrived at AFPCOC with myself, Gen. Alvez and a civilian driver, Obet Concha.

Later, that night, Gen. Alvez had a one-on-one meeting with Gen. Angelo Reyes. The two decided to meet the following day at breakfast.

We then proceeded to the office of J3, Gen. Dagudag.

We then proceeded to Greenhills and met Cong. Braganza. We, thereafter, with Cong. Braganza went to Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s condominium at One Burgundy Plaza, Katipunan Road. This meeting ended at about 0100H.

We left for Orchid Garden and Gen. Alvez gave his tasking. Cav. Romy Salamat will dissuade his classmate, who is in-charge of the PNP SAF and the Elite Light Reaction Group. He also proceeded to Camp Crame to talk to his former men at PAOCTF. Another former officer, Cavalier Bobby Yap is to secure the perimeter of the proposed meeting place between GMA and Gen. Reyes (Mr. Eddie Jose’s house in Corinthian Garden.

Other civilian volunteers, Alex Sembrano, Caesar Lejano and Gerry Ditching was commissioned to assist with Mr. Dennis Barrantes, a staff of Cong. Braganza.

29. Jan. 19, 2001/Friday

Gen. Angelo Reyes arrived at almost 1200H. In spite of a call he received from Malacañang asking for his meeting with President Estrada.

GMA arrived shortly later and the two had a one-on-one meeting. At about 1 p.m. the Major Service Commanders arrived. These include Adm. Guillermo Wong, PN, Gen. Benjie Defensor AF, Gen. Diomedes Villanueva (PA). Lt. Gen. Jaime delos Santos, Brig. Gen. Al Dagudag. A meeting was held. They were later joined by Sec. Orlando Mercado, Secretary of National Defense.

At 4 p.m.
we proceeded to EDSA. The rest is history.

As narrated by: Mr. Joseph Velasquez

Witnessed by: Cavalier Romulo T. Salamat
Alpha Security Team
1. George "Jojo" Ferrer - team leader

Fernando "Beng" Bengusta - assistant team leader

Wilson Flores - member

Edgar Siobal- member

Jaime Manato - member

Leocado Flores - member

Onofre Macugay - member

Constante Rivera - member

Arthur "Raffy" Rapanot— member

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