Cayetano won’t betray source

"I’d rather be called a liar than betray a member of this chamber."

This were the words uttered by Senator Renato Cayetano when asked by Senator Juan Ponce Enrile to reveal the name of their colleague who revealed information about a Senate coup.

In a privilege speech, Enrile accused Cayetano of spreading coup rumors, which, he claimed, was an orchestrated effort to destroy his credibility.

It was earlier reported that Cayetano confirmed a plot to unseat the leaders of the chamber.

Cayetano, however, denied he had named Enrile as the brains behind the coup plot.

"Yes I admitted that I was approached, but I never tagged the gentleman from Cagayan as the brains of the coup," he said.

To settle the controversy, Enrile dared Cayetano to reveal the name of the senator who had approached him with the information.

Cayetano, however, said the information was relayed to him in confidence, and that he would rather face the Senate ethics committee than reveal the source. Perseus Echeminda

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