Cory: Call in Islamic Conference

Former President Corazon Aquino has suggested that the government seek help from the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) in dealing with the crisis in Mindanao.

At a press conference yesterday, Aquino said the OIC has tremendous influence which could be exerted on the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). The OIC is an international umbrella organization of Islamic countries.

Aquino's predecessor, former defense chief Fidel Ramos, also made his own suggestion. The key, he said yesterday at a separate press conference, is to develop Mindanao to rid it of the root causes of the insurgency.

In 1996, Ramos concluded a peace pact with the Moro National Liberation Front led by Nur Misuari, now governor of the Automous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

The Catholic Church called for a ceasefire between the government and the MILF to pave the way for their return to the negotiating table.

In an open letter, Archbishop of Cotabato Orlando Quevedo, Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines president, expressed concern for thousands of innocent civilians affected by the fighting in Mindanao, most of whom have fled their homes.

"Innocent civilians caught in the crossfire had been killed and thousands suffer the anguish of displacement, insecurity of food, trauma of fear and anxiety of the future. And all because every group seeks a military solution to the problems," Quevedo said in his letter.

He suggested a formula to bring both sides back to the negotiating table: First, declare an immediate ceasefire. Then, order all units to religiously adhere to the truce. Refrain from making provocative statements. Return to the negotiating table and ask a third party to act as mediator.

Quevedo said deploying forces cannot create an atmosphere of trust.

"A future cannot be built on violence. It can only be built on justice and peace. Only continuing dialogue, persistent and persevering despite provocation and irritants, can achieve a meeting of minds and a meeting of hearts," Quevedo said in his letter.

"Respectfully but strongly, may I remind you of your responsibility to promote the common good. For you owe every person and every family, be they Muslim, Christian or Lumad, whose lives and properties you profess to protect, and to pursue a peaceful solution to the ongoing crisis. May you be makers of peace rather than makers of war."

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