Mayon refugees scared to go home

LEGAZPI CITY - Tens of thousands of people who fled Mayon volcano's eruptions the last two weeks remain in evacuation centers here, many still afraid to return home despite a decline in volcanic activity.

Last Thursday, scientists lowered the alert level around Mayon after a week of quiet that followed a series of explosive eruptions that spewed fountains of lava and clouds of volcanic ash up to 12 kilometers high.

In Barangay Masarawag, three kilometers away from Mayon, two children were hospitalized after they were carried away by floodwaters containing volcanic debris, and which had uprooted trees.

Barangay leader Prudencio Manrique said brothers Jose, 9, and Carlos Ofrano Jr., 10, were rescued by residents, who saw them being swept away by mudflows.

Cedric Daep, chief of the Albay Provincial Disaster Management Office, warned residents of areas near and along channels and gullies around Mayon to be alert against mudflows now that heavy rains have started to fall on Mayon.

Albay district engineer Manuel Azurin said four-to five-meter high volcanic debris deposited in the Bonga and Buyuan gullies are threatening Barangays Matnog, Alcala and Kilikao in Daraga town, and Barangays Bonga, Matanag, Buyuan, Padang, and Bigaa in this city.

The debris are likely to loosen in case of heavy rains as they have already spilled over to the channels, he added.

Government volcanologist said Mayon's overall status prevails at alert Level 4, and that the danger zones remain at a six-kilometer radius around the volcano and seven kilometers in its southeast quadrant.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said lahar may flow in the Mabinit and Buyuan-Padang rivers in this city, Miisi, Tumpa, Anoling and Quirangay channels in Camalig town, Maninila and Upper Napondon channels in Guinobatan town, Basud-Lidong channel in Sto. Domingo town, Bulawan channel in Malilipot town, San Vicente and Buang channels in Tabaco town, and Upper Nasisi in Ligao town.

Meanwhile, 11 babies were born in evacuation centers in this city and 13 in different temporary shelters in other parts of Albay, according to provincial health specialist Dr. Phoebe Camba.

A total of 12,573 evacuees remain in 12 evacuation centers in Albay as of yesterday, it was learned from the Provincial Social Welfare Development Office.

In Makati, the non-government organization Kaanib Foundation donated P1.5 million worth of relief goods and medicine to the victims of Mayon. -

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