WPD puts erring cops under one roof

The so-called inept, corrupt and undisciplined (ICU) Manila policemen are now under one roof. They were all assigned to the Western Police District (WPD)'s District Headquarters Support Unit (DHSU) where they will be periodically assessed to determine their continued stay with the Manila police force. The DHSU is sometimes referred to as the kangkungan or dumping ground for erring WPD personnel.

To implement the program of Philippine National Police chief Deputy Director General Panfilo Lacson to identify the ICU policemen, WPD director Chief Superintendent Avelino Razon Jr. has placed all ineffective policemen at the DHSU for easy monitoring and accounting.

According to Razon, the DHSU shall serve as the administrative holding unit of the WPD where the ICU policemen shall be monitored to determine whether they will have to stay longer in the service.

DHSU personnel shall be classified into those who have no pending cases, those who were transferred due to deficiencies but who are not facing charges, those who have pending cases and those who are about to be seperated from the police service.

Those who have no pending cases (C-1) shall have the priority for deployment or as replacements to those being transferred from police stations or separate units. These personnel shall also be entitled to rewards for good deeds.

Those personnel who were transferred due to deficiencies but not facing charges (C-2) shall remain with DHSU for at least six months before being considered to return to their mother units or stations. They shall be rated on their performance on the six-month period and shall be recommended for transfer outside of WPD if their performance does not improve.

DHSU personnel who have pending cases (C-3) shall not be considered for deployment to another unit until their cases are cleared. They shall also be rated on their performance periodically and shall be recommended for transfer outside the WPD if necessary.

For those who are about to be separated from the police service (C-4) shall be dismissed and their firearms, badges and IDs shall be retrieved. These personnel shall perform utility duties only and shall not be detailed for operational purposes.

Razon also ordered the DHSU chief to submit a weekly report on the performance of his personnel and render special reports on personnel whose performances are not at par with the standard set by the WPD.

The chief of the District Disciplinary, Investigation, Intelligence and Monitoring Group (DDIimg) shall conduct investigation on C-3 and C-4 personnel, Razon said.

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