OVER DOMESTIC ROW : Fisherman, 92, kills son-in-law, 75

CEBU CITY - Men their age normally spend their time watching sunsets, not engaging in deadly fights.

But that was precisely what took place between a 92-year-old fisherman and his 75-year-old son-in-law.

Nonagenarian fisherman Cristituto Presbitero stabbed and killed his own septuagenarian son-in-law Eustaquio Amancio last Wednesday in Japitan, Barili town in a fit of anger over Amancio's alleged tendency to commit domestic violence.

Presbitero, who is now detained at the Barili police station, claimed Amancio had made it almost a habit to beat up not only his wife Gingging but also her mother Rosita.

Gingging, 23, is Presbitero's youngest daughter by Rosita who, at 56, is 36 years younger than Presbitero.

Amancio, a native of Mantalongon, Dalaguete, took Gingging as his common-law wife when she was 17 and he 69 and they settled in San Rafael, Barili town.

Presbitero, who describes Amancio as dagmalan or prone to violence, said his son-in-law always beat up his wife whenever they had a quarrel.

Worse, when his own wife Rosita would intervene, Amancio would vent his ire on her and also beat her up.

According to Presbitero, for too long he tried to ignore these abuses in the hope that Amancio, despite being 75, would still have it in him to change.

But the waiting went on until Presbitero could wait no more. While he watched and waited on the side, Amancio continued to beat up Gingging and, if slightly provoked, Rosita as well.

"I could no longer stand these abuses. I have agonized for six years," Presbitero told The Freeman in Cebuano in a telephone interview from his cell at the Barili police station.

Last Wednesday morning, Presbitero decided to put an end to the agony of his family.

Taking a long bladed weapon known in Cebuano as pinute, Presbitero went out in search of Amancio and came upon him in Japitan.

Without a word, Presbitero lunged at Amancio and stabbed him several times in the mid-section.

Police officer Hector Veloso of the Barili police said murder charges have already been filed against Presbitero, who himself said is ready to own up his act.

Whether he is aware of it or not, Presbitero has sufficient grounds not to fear the consequences of his act. If convicted, there is a law that will cause the suspension of his sentence on account of his age.

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