How to look younger? Wear little makeup, focus on skincare

Dear Lucy,
I am turning 50 soon and I’m scared. Can you give me tips on how to look young? Offhand, my daughter tells me to stop wearing too much eye makeup, stop wearing bright red lipstick, and drop the matchy-matchy look. — Elsa
I see so many women now who, at 50, look even better than they did when they were decades younger! At 50, a woman has a confidence her younger counterpart is yet to fully have — she already knows what she likes, how she wants to live her life, what to fight for, what to shed and let go of. And that can be empowering as it reflects in all areas of her life.
Start by removing the fear of aging. Really, if you take care of yourself, age is just a number. I agree with your daughter, wear little makeup especially if your skin is beautiful! Enhance, do not conceal or cover features. Make having your best skin possible the priority in as far as beauty is concerned.
I am all for bright red lipstick though! Why not? Especially with a bare face that showcases gorgeous skin, bright red lipstick can be very potent.
The matchy-matchy look does not have to be a no-no either. If the cut flatters and the quality is good, matchy-matchy can be quite sleek. No real rules, except that you should embrace and celebrate your style and make it the best it can be. — Lucy
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Send e-mail to Lucy Torres-Gomez at Email Rissa Trillo at or follow her on Instagram @rissamananquiltrillo.