Red wine fights acne
Dear Ms. Tingting,
I read an article which claims that an ingredient found in red wine can reduce acne. What’s your opinion on this?
Resveratrol, a potent antioxidant found in red wine, has been linked to many potential health benefits, such as the protection against weight gain and cancer. And according to a recent study, it may also reduce acne. After 20 people with acne applied resveratrol gel on the right side of their faces daily for two months, acne lesions there decreased, compared with the left side, which was treated with a placebo gel.
Resveratrol reduces inflammation, kills the bacteria that cause acne, and prevents abnormal growth of skin cells, which can clog pores. Though the gel that was tested is not yet available, there are anti-aging creams which contain resveratrol, but rubbing red wine on the face wouldn’t provide a similar concentration, stabilization, or delivery of the resveratrol and would likely be ineffective.
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Powder So Right, So Light
Dear Lucy,
I am in search of a powder that will make my skin look lighter and more wonderful in just one go. There are so many I am so confused already.
Also, what are your other favorite skin oils other than Argan oil, which I love very much, by the way? As soon as I read that in your article, I went to Rustan’s to stock up on it. I like switching oils by the day though, so would you mind sharing with me your other finds?
In terms of a go-to powder, maybe you can try T. LeClerc’s Banane Powder which has a cult following. The color is a soft pale yellow, but it really does enliven skin in just one sweep, masking imperfections, including dark circles. I like its very soft, very fine texture. Its secret appeal really lies in how well it masters light and hides flaws while illuminating the complexion in a way that looks and feels natural.
Ever since I came across Argan oil, I just can’t do without it. I do have other favorites, and they include Johnson’s Baby Oil Lite, Neutrogena Body Oil Light Sesame Formula, and Almond Supple Skin Oil from L’Occitane. The latter’s deeply nourishing formula is known even for preventing the formation of stretch marks.
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The Hands Tell A Woman’s Age
Dear Rissa,
I am only in my mid 20s, but I’m worried that my hands are starting to look old. I’m starting to see fine lines and some sunspots now. They sometimes feel dry, too. Help please!
Regina Carla, Qc
Women always make it a point to take care of their face, but they often neglect the hands, one of the biggest indicators of age. It’s so hard to find a good hand treatment product with SPF. Before, I would just use anti-aging face creams with SPF for my hands (which weren’t always convenient to carry in the handbag). But because our hands have thicker skin than our face and are some of the most abused body parts, they need more specialized products meant for the hands. I can’t tell you how happy I am that The Body Shop finally came out with one!
You must check out The Body Shop’s new hand care range. My favorite is the Wild Rose Hand Cream SPF 15 (30mL at P350 and 100mL at P695). It contains the best anti-aging ingredient, retinoic acid, which addresses fine lines, brown spots, and uneven skin tone so you can keep your hands as youthful as your face. Also important to me is that it also contains SPF 15 so it protects the hands from the burning and aging effects of the sun. If you drive a lot, protect your hands with this — remember that your hands resting on the steering wheel are always exposed to the sun! The Wild Rose Hand Cream SPF 15 is also ultra-moisturizing but not greasy or sticky at all. It smells darn good, too! This is my current fave beauty find and I carry the small-sized tube in my bag every single day.
For all brides-to-be, this is the perfect way to prep your hands so that come the wedding day, your hands are flawless as your wedding ring!
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