

Marven: Breakout loveteam gets first big-screen outing

Leah C. Salterio - The Philippine Star
Marven: Breakout loveteam gets first big-screen outing
After being paired in The Rain in España, the bestselling Wattpad novel created by Gwy Saludes that was turned into a now widely-followed series on Viva One, Marco Gallo and Heaven Peralejo are ready to take their partnership to the big screen with the romantic comedy, The Ship Show, megged by Jason Paul Laxamana.
STAR / File

Who would have thought that former Pinoy Big Brother teen housemates Marco Gallo and Heaven Peralejo would end up as a breakout loveteam that would have successful projects both on TV and also on the big screen?

After being paired in The Rain in España, the bestselling Wattpad novel created by Gwy Saludes that was turned into a now widely-followed series on Viva One, a new loveteam was created with the instant popularity of the leads — Marco and Heaven.

Although they were both introduced in Pinoy Big Brother Lucky Season 7 in 2016, Marco and Heaven were never paired then.

Fast forward to seven years later, when Viva Artists Agency (VAA) decided to tap Marco and Heaven to topbill The Rain in España, with Theodore Boborol at the helm.

When the pair first started taping for The Rain in España, they were not initially a loveteam. The success of the pilot episode came out really surprising for Marco and Heaven, that they were readily tagged as “MarVen,” a combination of their first names.


This time around, Marco and Heaven are ready to take their partnership to the big screen with the romantic comedy, The Ship Show, megged by Jason Paul Laxamana.

Twelve people are paired into two to compete in a reality show and be the country’s next big love team. The audience will see the unlikely pairing of an introvert Araw (Marco) and the ray of Sunshine (Heaven).

“In The Rain in España, we were both focused on our roles in the series,” Marco disclosed. “Direk Jason Paul Laxamana in The Ship Show, really helped me out. There was one scene I couldn’t do. I was super grateful to him.”

“The fans saw that me and Marco had this perfect chemistry,” Heaven added. “Our chemistry just comes out naturally. We bring out the best in each other. We gained this trust and respect for each other. That was a good foundation for a better friendship.”

Heaven insisted when they became a loveteam, that didn’t become a hindrance to both their careers. “Our loveteam is a door. A beautiful door,” she said.

She happily announced their fans support their loveteam. “One of the perks of being in a loveteam, your partner knows how you move, your attitude. Eventually, I know I’m going to have a project of my own and the same goes for Marco.”

“Hopefully, the fans in our loveteam will still continue to support us and our respective careers. If he will be paired with other artists, I will accept that. If I will become a solo artist again, I will not mind,” she said.

Not surprisingly, when Viva first announced the pairing of Marco and Heaven in The Rain in España in November last year, the reception of the public was very tentative. In fact, there was even negative feedback.

Marco acknowledged the negative comments would really affect them. “We just did our part. Whether people like it or not, it doesn’t change what we did.”

“Eventually, I’m just happy and so glad the public received The Rain in España very well,” said he. “The public saw us as the characters we were playing and not Heaven and Marco.”

Being paired with Heaven for the first time was initially scary. “There was a lot of pressure being on our first project,” Marco said. “But after shooting The Rain in España, we knew each other quite well.”

“In The Ship Show, we were able to talk in between takes. We discussed what was needed to be discussed. We’ve had petty misunderstandings, but we were able to iron out whatever it was and worked again harmoniously,” he continued.

“I realized that Heaven was a whole new different person the whole time we were shooting,” Marco said. “I didn’t know about her then. You just find this person whom you didn’t see coming in a good way.”

Heaven noticed Marco is a “different guy” this time than when she first met him six years ago. “He was still so young then, but he’s so manly now,” she said. “I’m so happy for him that he’s so passionate with his work, his craft and the people he works with.”

Whatever status their “relationship” is into now, Heaven wants to keep it privately between both of them, although everybody sees something special between the two artists.

“Whatever we post on social media, that’s for everybody,” she said. “But the status itself, whatever we’re into right now, I’d rather keep it to ourselves. That’s my take.”

Marco butted in, “You’re the boss,” looking at Heaven.

Supporting cast in The Ship Show are this generation’s promising talents who will surely add more thrill and excitement to the story — Tomas Rodriguez, Ashtine Olviga, PJ Rosario, Angelic Guzman, Rabin Angeles, Bianca Santos, Migo Valid, Janine Teñoso, Martin Venegas and Madelaine Red.

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