MANILA, Philippines — The other day, our newspaper delivery guy dropped by to say he would start bringing our copy of Philippine STAR again the following day. True enough, we got to hold and read an actual newspaper for the first time after two and a half months of quarantine at home!
Our Mommy Sofonias de Guzman (photos), who is 91 years old, was glad to see the newspaper again because for her, it’s an indication that things might be getting back to a sense of normalcy.
Today (Friday, June 5), she read about the lockdown life of Boots Anson Roa-Rodrigo and King Rodrigo. She was interested to read about her fellow seniors and because she knows who Boots is, of course.
Mommy’s own quarantine routine in the morning starts with breakfast, watering some of her plants, then staying out in the garden and praying the Rosary at the grotto. Now her daily “rituals” will include reading The STAR and your page, in particular. My sister Sofia and I are heartened that she has found another thing to keep herself engaged even just for a short time each day.