Don Moen answers questions about God, heaven & prayer

Before Don Moen returns for the third time (after 2012 and 2015) for a five-city concert tour in July, let me reprint choice excerpts from The STAR’s exclusive interviews with him so that when you start listening to him, you will know where he’s coming from.
The singer-songwriter who achieved international prominence and success for his praise and worship music has changed the lives of millions…and, I guess, more lives during his much-awaited visit here, starting on July 4, at the Smart Araneta Coliseum. Presented by Ovation Productions, the five-date concert series also includes CPU in Iloilo on July 6, University of Baguio on July 8, Laus Event Centre in San Fernando, Pampanga on July 10, and Santa Rosa Sports Coliseum in Sta. Rosa, Laguna on July 11.
Don has established a solid base of Pinoy fans and his music stands out for its straightforward simplicity that bares men’s souls before God, animated by his smooth tenor over catchy contemporary tunes.
Here are the excerpts:
When did you first feel the presence of God?
“When I was about 10, my mother took us to church. At the end of the service, the pastor would quietly play the guitar and people would pray. That’s how I felt something in my heart and loving those moments without knowing what they really were. I knew it was spiritual and I knew that it was God. And so at 10, I decided to commit my life to Christ and answer His call to follow Him.”
How do you pray?
“I pray The Lord’s Prayer. Jesus told His disciples, ‘When you pray, this is how to do it?Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.’ Jesus gave us an example of how we should all pray. That is, we should begin with adoration?you know, hallowed be thy name, and then you say…Thy kingdom come…let your kingdom come as it is in heaven.
“Then, give us this day our daily bread, which is a simple prayer for the needs we have each day and, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Forgiveness is a big, big key to when we pray today because so many people have been hurt either by divorce or by their fathers who abuse them.
“It’s hard to forgive but once again in The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus gave an example that when you pray, you should forgive. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil and you end it with to thine be the glory and the power forever. It’s a real good example to follow when we pray.”
Speaking of forgiveness, does it mean that unless you forgive you cannot be forgiven?
“You know, I believe that Jesus’ love for us is unconditional. He gave us an example on the cross when He said, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they’re doing.’ And that’s a difficult thing for any of us to do. When people hurt us, it’s natural for us to lash out and hurt back. Jesus forgave us even before we asked for His forgiveness. So, do we have to forgive before we are forgiven? I would say, Jesus comes to us and offers us forgiveness even though we haven’t learned to forgive others yet. When you don’t forgive, you give people power over you. So every day, I say, ‘Lord, please forgive everybody who has hurt me intentionally or unintentionally, and if a name comes to my mind, I mention that name and ask God to bless that person.”
Do you believe that storing up negative feelings is harmful not only to your health but also to your soul?
“Absolutely! There’s no question about it. It has been proven medically…that negative thoughts and bitterness manifest in sickness. If we can learn to forgive, I think it will have an effect on our health and how we live.”
How do we know that God hears our prayers; what is the sign?
“…What is the sign that God hears and answers our prayers? Look at the beautiful sunrise and sunset each day. It is a reminder that God is always faithful, and while circumstances don’t always work out exactly like we had prayed, God remains constant, unchanging, and we can trust Him with our prayers and our life. I think the key is to keep praying. Don’t stop.
“…I have been praying for certain prayers to be answered for many years and have not seen the answer, yet I keep praying, knowing that God is working in ways I cannot see, maybe not on my time schedule but He is working, and I will continue to pray. Faith is the key here…So keep praying and believing…”
What is your idea of heaven?
“The older I get, the more I am aware of heaven as I have had close friends and family members who passed away including my mother as I was holding her hand. The Apostle Paul said, ‘To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.’ I believe heaven is a place filled with light and love.
“I’ll never forget the look on my mother’s face as she breathed her last. It was as if she’d seen something too wonderful to believe. I asked her, ‘Mom, what do you see?’ She just sat right up in bed with her blue eyes wide open and exclaimed, ‘Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!’ Personally, I believe that she saw angels coming to escort her to heaven…”
(The Don Moen 2018 Philippine Tour is presented by Ovation Productions. For ticket prices and other inquiries, contact the following: Ticketnet 911-5555 for Manila concert; and SM Tickets 470-2222 for provincial concerts.)
(E-mail reactions at [email protected]. For more updates, photos and videos, visit or follow me on Instagram @therealrickylo.)
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