Angel Jones: Fitness regardless of age

Forty showed how it was to be Body Beautiful at the Century Tuna Superbods 2018 finals night. Superbods winners were Jules Aquino, 25, a print model and runner; and Maureen Montagne, 24, a former Miss Arizona.
For the first time, the search included the Superbods Ageless category. Winners were Angel Jones, 39, singer and the mother of rising star Tony Labrusca; and Johann Ludovica, 42, a BPO trainer. The inclusion proves that one can be at his or her fittest regardless of age.
Bagging first runner-up awards were Anthony Wahl and Bella Ysmael in the Superbods category, and Mica Fuentes and Jerome Salvado for the Ageless category.
The four winners each received P500,000 in cash; an appliance showcase worth P250,000 from Indesit, Mabe, and Philips; an editorial campaign contract from Zalora; a training contract from Star Magic; a one-year unlimited elite membership at Gold’s Gym; a May 2018 Mega Magazine supplement feature; P5,000 worth of Vansydical Sportswear; and a special prize from The Cove Manila where the grand finals was held.
A Leo (Aug. 18, 1978), Angel stands 5’3”; weighs 105 lbs.; measures 32-26-34; and wears small-size shirt and size 6.5 shoes.
“I didn’t really have to prepare so much because being healthy, fit, and positive is my way of life,” Angel told Funfare. “It’s what I do daily for years. The changes I had to do involved more rearranging my schedules to give me space to mentally focus on the competition and to workout harder than normal daily.”

Angel Jones (second from left) is the New Century Tuna Superbods Ageless winner, along with Johann Ludovico (leftmost). The Superbods winners were Maureen Montagne (second from right) and Jules Aquino.
Asked if she was trying to prove something, anything, when she joined the Superbods Ageless competition, Angel said, “Five years ago, I had just moved back to Manila from Canada and started over, trying to build my career again. I was broke, broken and broken-hearted. No one believed in me and I had to take embarrassingly low-paying gigs to survive. But I had a goal and a dream. I wanted to be a better person and to inspire my children and others, build my career again and be on a billboard on EDSA, hahaha!!! I don’t know how or why anyone would want me but I knew I was meant to inspire people. And here we are.
“I did want my voice to be heard. I wanted to inspire more people on a bigger scale of my advocacy of fitness, beauty, healing and self-love. I knew winning this competition was a perfect way for me to positively push my advocacy and inspire more. My career has been quiet for a while and it was perfect timing for me to be part of something meaningful that really reflected who I am now.”
Her son Tony cheered Angel right on. He was the proudest man that night when his mom’s name was announced the winner.
“Our relationship is great now. He is really growing into such a wonderful man,” added Angel. “We usually talk about life and our dreams.
We support each other and spur each other to be healthy, fit, positive, and meaningful and better people. He was so proud of my winning and was glad it was my time to shine after helping him shine.”
Angel gave birth to Tony when she was barely out of her teens. (Tony’s dad is actor Boom Labrusca.)
“I had Tony early and it was difficult being a teen mom. The judgment and stares were hard at times. But now, seeing how he has grown into a good man and me still being young enough to enjoy life with him has made all of it worth it. Financially, it’s always hard on single parents and emotionally it can be a challenge. It’s so important as mothers that we have the character we want our children to follow. Now having both my kids with me on the upswing of life has been everything I’ve always dreamed of.”
Said Tony, “Fitness and health have been part of my mom’s lifestyle. She fits the look and life of a Century Tuna Superbods winner. I’m so proud of her. She deserves to shine now. It’s her time.”
According to Angel, the only advice she gives Tony is to do things if they make him happy and a better person.
“Every time we get new projects, we always ask each other if it makes us happy. Also, to stay true to yourself. Being meaningful is very important to us.”
What sort of diet do you regularly follow?
“I try to eat mostly clean and plant-based food. I love lean meat like chicken and fish. I don’t label myself. I just try to eat as unprocessed as possible. A lot of Century Tuna of course.”
What’s usually for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
“As soon as I wake up, I drink lemon water before I work out. Breakfast is usually boiled eggs; for lunch, salad or vegetables or sandwich like tuna; and for dinner some lean meat and vegetables.”
Snacks in-between?
“Yes, I eat six times a day. In between, I eat camote, boiled eggs and fruit.”
How much water do you take per day?
“I forget to drink a lot of water, so I always carry around a bottle with me, filled with ice-cold lemon-cucumber-mint-leaves water for anti bloat, and detox.”
Food that you usually crave for?
“Vegetables and fruit. I really love vegetables! But I always need a piece of dessert after eating meals. I have a sweet tooth and I need to take just one bite. My weakness is Krispy Kreme donuts and chocolate cake.”

On son Tony Labrusca: Our relationship is great now. He is really growing into such a wonderful man. We usually talk about life and our dreams. We support each other; we spur each other to be healthy, fit, positive, and meaningful and better people.
What vitamins are you taking?
“I don’t take any supplements or vitamins, but sometimes I take multivitamins. I like using a lot of essential oils and generally try to take all my vitamins naturally through seeds, oils, vegetables and fruit.”
How much workout do you do?
“As much as possible, I work out every day with one rest day. I mix it up so it’s not boring. I do pole dance, circuit toning, yoga, boot camp, and sometimes solo-hit workouts (high-intensity training).”
Your body looks perfect. But any part that needs improvement?
“I used to hate everything about my body and face. I grew up insecure. After a lot of hard work, self-love, determination and fitness, I grew to be totally in love with myself and every inch of my body.”
And the most vulnerable part?
“My heart. I’ve had some terrible times growing up and in bad relationships so I’m very careful. I learned to love myself and to only have high standards for myself first so I have healthy love to give back to my kids and everyone in my life.”
Favorite part of your body?
“My smile! Does that qualify? I know my smile is powerful and it can lighten up a room and make someone’s day. But also my abs, I worked hard for them!”
Any other beauty secrets?
“Happiness and confidence can make anyone gorgeous and shine.”
How much sleep do you get per night?
“I try to get at least six hours.”
Last thing that you do before you go to sleep?
“Kiss everyone good night and check social media.”
And the first thing that you do as soon as you wake up?
“Check my phone then drink my lemon water.”
How do you relax, cope with stress?
“Working out gives me peace. I usually work out first thing in the morning before my day starts. The endorphins help me deal with stress. I used to be anxious and depressed and I used working out to heal naturally, so now working out is my way to release stress. And laughter! I love laughing. I laugh through life. Laughing is natural medicine for the body and soul.”
Favorite hideaway?
“I love beaches. Any white sand beach will do. Boracay, Palawan, Siargao and Caramoan are some of my favorites.”
Name three guys that you think have nice bodies.
“A nice body without a nice character is useless. My son! He really has a great physique and it’s all natural. Hard work and a great heart! Simone Rota from the Azkals. Amazing body but his story and heart is even more amazing. My co-ambassador at the Red Whistle, Jay Gonzaga. He works hard on his mega body. His body is cut! But such a super great funny guy, grabe!”
Using only body language, how would you make a guy know that you admire him?
“I’m straight forward. I usually smile and tell people straight what I like and dislike. No games.”
(E-mail reactions at For more updates, photos and videos, visit or follow me on Instagram @therealrickylo.)
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