Niko Baua in surfing shape

He may be a hard-hitting journalist on field. But on weekends, Niko prefers to hit the waves.

MANILA, Philippines – Niko Baua learned how to surf while waiting for the storm to land in Baler. Deployed in the typhoon areas several days before the heavy rains, the journalist was amazed that the townsfolk still had the energy to surf, knowing that a typhoon was fast approaching.

“They were preparing for the storm. Farmers were gathering their crops, I also noticed that locals were surfing like it was an ordinary day,” he said.

For the broadcast journalist, the sight of the brave souls riding the waves was too beautiful to ignore. A certified diver, Niko loved being at sea. Curious, he befriended the surfers and learned about their interesting hobby.

Before leaving Baler, Niko had a chance to stand on water and experience the magical waves. There were no words to describe the feeling. “I am not religious, but the experience is spiritual. You learn to rely on nature.” 

The unforgettable moment was followed by serious surfing lessons in Zambales. Since then Niko and the waves have been inseparable.

“When you surf, you learn to make do with whatever is given because you do not always get a good wave. You paddle out, get your balance balanced, adjust and you try to catch the wave. It’s not always perfect, but you make the most out of it, “ he said. 

For Niko, surfing is the perfect stress-buster. “It helps me cope with my work,” he said. Covering on-site hard news on a daily basis is no easy feat. Most of the time, Niko is on field doing research, conducting several interviews, writing his stories before going on-cam for the evening news.

Amid the daily grind, Niko looks forward to surf vacations to help him recharge. He has surfed the waves of La Union, Zambales, Baler and Siargao.

Surfing has also inspired Niko to focus on his health. He follows a regular workout schedule to stay in shape. “I started working out because I wanted to be a better surfer. I also wanted to be fit. At that time, I was a bit overweight,” he said.

To keep up with the waves, the ABS-CBN reporter starts his day at 360 Pro in Mandaluyong, a performance training facility for athletes, where workout programs are customized to enhance a sport’s performance. His daily routine builds, strength, endurance, balance and flexibility, allowing him to fly with the most challenging wave. The routine also helps keep his mind sharp, which is important for his job as a reporter.

According to Niko, there are no words to describe the actual thrill of standing on water while gaining speed. “It’s like all forces are coming together,” he said, “surfers call it feeling stoked; it’s as if you are on top of the world and you can do anything.”

He may be a hard-hitting journalist on field, but on weekends Niko prefers to hit the waves.

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