IN PHOTOS: Miss Earth 2015 coronation night

Jamie Herrell during her final walk as Miss Earth 2014. The Filipina beauty queen crowned Philippine bet Angelia Ong as her successor at the Mis Earth 2015 pageant in Vienna, Austria on Saturday, December 5 (Sunday morning, Philippine time). Photo from Miss Earth's official Facebook page

MANILA, Philippines - It was a big night for the Philippines as Filipina beauty queen Angelia Ong bagged the title of Miss Earth 2015 at the pageant in Vienna, Austria on Saturday (Sunday morning, Philippine time).

Ong replaces Filipina Jamie Herrell as the new Miss Earth.

READ: Philippines's Angelia Ong is Miss Earth 2015

Ong's win is made sweeter by the fact that it is the pageant's first back-to-back win in its 15-year history. The Philippines is also now the country with the most number of Miss Earth winners: Karla Henry won the title in 2008, while Herrell won last year.

Check out photos from the Miss Earth 2015 coronation night in the slideshow below:





Photos from Miss Earth's official Facebook page

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