WATCH: 'Low-budget' Star Wars trailer parody

Screenshot of the trailer. Dumb Drum/

MANILA,  It's the latest Star Wars trailer we've all been waiting for.

Or not.

Nevertheless, this "low-budget" version of "The Force Awakens" will surely make your day.

YouTube user Dumb Drum, a parody filmmaking group, rolled out their take on the trailer of the latest iteration to the epic franchise.

Light sabers! Cardboards! Styro R2D2! Oh, and Kylo, is that a Tootsie Roll wrapper? 

See the clip in full here:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer sweded by Dumb Drum

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" hits Philippine theaters on December 17, a day ahead of the US premiere. An advance screening will be mounted by a telco firm on December 16.

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