From books to box-office

MANILA, Philippines - Many novels and literary works have been adapted into movies. Some of these books are already known on their own but a lot of them became popular after they were turned into films. Whether the book or the film is better, each form has delivered a great story.

Here’s a list of favorites and classics that inspired film versions:

Stephen King’s Collection. Do Carrie, Cujo, Pet Sematary, Tommy Knockers, Misery, The Shining ring a bell? They were all created by the Master of Horror Stephen King. He never fails to create the feeling of suspense for both readers and viewers. That is why many look forward to reading and of course, watching his work on the big screen.

007 James Bond by Ian Fleming. For years, Mr. Fleming has been taking us to the exciting and action-packed life of Bond, James Bond. The cars, the weapons, the lavish lifestyle, the women, the interesting villains and of course, the theme songs, who would not miss them? Thanks to the late Ian Fleming for such wonderful works. Meanwhile, a new Bond film titled Spectre is coming to cinemas soon.

The Hunger Games (and its sequels) by Suzanne Collins. With the popularity of reality TV shows, here comes a story about a group of young people being forcibly put into a game of death that is “broadcast” live. It is very creative of the writer to have thought of all the details about the game, the interesting characters and the exciting storyline. Turning the books into a series of films is definitely hard work but worth it, obviously. It has gathered a huge fan base who can’t wait for the next sequel, which is hitting theaters this month, by the way.

The Maze Runner (and its sequel) by James Dashner. Admit it: Nobody likes to be part of an experiment, especially if one’s life is at stake. Well, the movie gives a group of young people no choice but to go through it. Unknown to them, they are part of a study of a big organization. They are locked in a maze and must find their way out or stay there forever. A movie about fighting for survival is the in thing now. A sequel is on its way.

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. The movie is based on the autobiographical novel of a woman who tries to find herself after a failed marriage by traveling to three countries. It gives hope and points to ponder about life. Whether you read the book or watch the film, one thing is for sure — the story will touch your heart.

Harry Potter (and sequels) by J.K. Rowling. When the first book came out, fans were raving about it. When the movie version hit the screens, it was a phenomenal success. The rest, as they say, is history. Even the sequels were followed by the fans religiously, not to mention the in-demand merchandise that came with the movie. The books were as profitable as the movies.

Da Vinci Code (and its sequel Angels and Demons) by Dan Brown. When it was published, many found it intriguing and daring. When it was turned into a film, it created controversies and elicited criticism, especially from the church. It is a wonder to see how one creative story can bring about such a reaction. How can it not? When it caused many people to question what they believed to be true.

Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. Turning a fantasy story into a full-length feature spells a lot of work and entails great expense. It gets even harder if it’s an epic novel because filmmakers have to do their best to cover all the important things under a limited running time. Obviously, many viewers like the film adaptations of Tolkien’s work. Whether the adaptations were a prequel or a sequel, all turned out successful.

Silence of the Lambs (including prequel and sequels) by Thomas Harris. In 1991, when Silence of the Lambs hit theaters, it was sort of a big deal for such a movie about cannibalism to be shown. Nonetheless, it proved to be a huge success. After a long while, a prequel and two sequels came out. They all did well at the box-office.

The Godfather by Mario Puzo. Who doesn’t know the movie adaptation? It is considered one of the greatest films ever produced. It gives viewers a glimpse of the highs and lows of life in the Mafia. Topbilled by some of the best actors in Hollywood, the movie is definitely a classic.  

Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding. What could possibly be more intriguing than to see someone’s diary come to life? That is what the movie has to offer. While it was already an interesting read, the film was more exciting. The sequel was also well-received.

Dracula by Bram Stoker. Numerous films about Count Dracula have been produced. Some are faithful adaptations of Stoker’s work, others have evolved and expanded to include new ideas and characters, creating an entirely new story. But Stoker’s work will always be remembered.

Schindler’s List by Thomas Keneally. The film is based on a true-to-life story from the book Schindler’s Ark. It is about a businessman who was able to save thousands of Polish-Jews during the Holocaust. It is a gripping and touching film.

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. Of course, this list would not be complete without including the 1862 novel that has been adapted not just into films but also musicals and radio drama. No matter how many times the novel has been remade (into various forms of media), people have always been receptive to it.


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