IN PHOTOS: Janicel elegant at Bb. Pilipinas 2015 evening gown competition

Janicel Lubina during the evening gown competition of the Bb. Pilipinas 2015 pageant. Asuncion

MANILA, Philippines - Janicel Lubina commanded the stage like a true queen during the evening gown competition of the Bb. Pilipinas 2015 grand coronation night.

The coronation night was held at the Smart Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City on Sunday.

Janicel, who won the Best in Evening Gown special award, was named as Bb. Pilipinas-International 2015.

Check out photos from the evening gown competition of the Bb. Pilipinas 2015 pageant here:






Photo credit: Asuncion

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