Cesar: I’m not a monster father

MANILA, Philippines - Sunshine Cruz has accused her estranged husband Cesar Montano of committing a scandalous act in front of their daughters (whose names we are withholding to protect their privacy). Even before she filed a case against Cesar in court, Sunshine has reportedly been feeding the tabloids similar stories.

Here’s Cesar’s official statement on the matter:

I vehemently deny all accusations being hurled against me by Sunshine Cruz, most especially this latest, most hurtful of all involving our daughters directly. I may not have been a perfect husband, but I am most definitely not a monster father.

I am grossly disheartened with Sunshine in using our innocent daughters to suit her own ulterior motive. While we are threshing out our property relations in connection with the pending cases we have filed against each other, she is dragging our children to gain leverage against me. Admittedly we have our own differences like any other ordinary couple, but our children should not be affected and worse, be used by anyone of us just to force the issue upon each other. I must hasten to say that it greatly exasperates me to hear that Sunshine filed a complaint against me and immediately thereafter went to the media to announce to the public that a case had been filed against me. Her lawyer even discussed the merits of the complaint.

Sunshine should realize that the complaint involves our own daughters. As I understand it, the law on VAWC shields the minors, our daughters at that, from public embarrassment, humiliation and ridicule. Don’t they realize that they have exposed our daughters to this kind of situation.

I respectfully appeal to Sunshine, if you want the property you have been clamoring, then so be it. I have signed the compromise agreement giving you what you want. But do not and never ever again drag our innocent daughters to settle our differences just to suit your own personal interest.


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