IN PHOTOS: KathNiel, young stars at Star Magic Ball 2014

Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo at the 8th Star Magic Ball on Saturday, September 6. Philstar/Jonathan Asuncion

MANILA, Philippines — While almost everyone followed the event's white, black and silver Hollywood Glam theme, teen star Daniel Padilla stood out in his red suit at the 8th Star Magic Ball on Saturday, September 6.

The teen star wore a red Joey Samson suit and complimented it with a black cane. Daniel came with Kathryn Bernardo, who was in a silver Albert Andrada dress. The tandem was an instant favorite by fans who helped turn the love team into a trending topic on Twitter during the ball.

Another online favorite was “Pinoy Big Brother All In” contestant Jane Oineza, wearing a white Leo Almodal gown. Other PBB alumni like Fourth and Fifth Pagotan and PBB All In winner Daniel Matsunaga also attended the event.

Young star and current fashion favorite Liza Soberano is stunning in her black Edwin Tan gown. She attended the ball with Enrique Gil, her love team in the upcoming soap opera “Forevermore.”

The young cast of “LUV U” also walked the Star Magic Ball red carpet. A particular favorite among fans were Nash Aguas and Alexa Ilacad, known by their love team portmanteau NLEX.

Here are more photos of the young stars who attended the 8th Star Magic Ball (All photos by Philstar/Jonathan Asuncion):

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