Bela Padilla has come a long way since she started her showbiz career seven years ago. The 23-year-old Kapuso actress reveals that despite being part of a well-known clan in the industry, success was not served to her on a silver platter. Just like anybody else, she had to go through auditions to land meaty roles.
For Bela, it takes a lot of positive attitude, perseverance, patience and skills to get the nod of the public. And her determination has yielded positive results in the form of challenging characters, including her first title role, Magdalena.
Early this year, Bela was seen in the Singaporean TV series Point of Entry Season 4. And just recently, Bela clinched the Best Supporting Actress award from two prestigious award-giving institutions — Gawad Tanglaw and FAMAS — for her portrayal in the movie 10,000 Hours.
Aside from being the regular guest host of GMA News TV’s Day Off, Bela is now seen opposite GMA’s Drama King Dennis Trillo on GMA News and Public Affairs’ original medical drama series Sa Puso ni Dok, which airs every Sunday night right after Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho.
Read more as Bela shares some of her treasures in life.
Most treasured person. Having a great number of people close to her, Bela finds it difficult to choose her most treasured person, saying, “There are so many people that I treasure that I feel guilty to pick one.” Revealing a simple and loyal personality, Bela explains that she is not into grand gestures.
“I like little things and things accumulated over time… so I’m more impressed and affected by the length of time I spend with a person rather than one experience. And since I expect consistency rather than one grand gesture, I do the same. I’m a very loyal person.”
Most treasured thing or pet. Bela shares she is blessed with the company of three malambing pets given to her by her uncle and her boyfriend.
“My first-ever pet was Apollo, a very sweet Dachshund. And he was followed by my two Persian cats now, Sputnik and Shadow. I love all three of them equally. I’m blessed that I was given three very malambing pets.”
Most treasured place/travel destination. Bela, who usually travels with a family member, reveals that she loves Europe.
“My dad’s British so I always feel like it’s my second home, like it’s a part of me I should discover. I also love how straightforward and yet warm and friendly a lot of Europeans are.”
Most treasured show on GMA and why. While she considers that all her shows gave her fulfillment as an actress, Bela proceeds to reveal her Top 3 programs and their respective significance.
“First is Magdalena because this was my first title role and also my most commended role. Second is Machete because this is my first lead role where I got to play two characters. And I made so many friends in this show. Third on my list is Sa Puso Ni Dok. I love this program because it’s so light and yet so socially relevant. For me, as an actor, there’s nothing better than to know that somehow you educate and help other people and I feel like I can achieve that with Sa Puso Ni Dok.”
Most treasured role and why. Proving that all firsts are memorable, Bela finds her character Magdalena most unforgettable.
“I treasure my role as Magdalena. This is my first title role and it helped strengthen me as an actor and gave me the confidence to accept more challenging roles.”
Most treasured advice (life, love or career). If there is one advice that Bela truly keeps, it is a verse from the Bible that she believes applies to every aspect of life.
“‘The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom’ and it’s true! As long as your intentions are pure and as long as you always have a clean conscience at the end of the day, knowing that you didn’t disappoint God with your actions and words, you’re on the right track.”
What can the viewers treasure in your latest show and role?
Bela showcases her versatility in playing the role of a doctor in the mini-series Sa Puso ni Dok.
“I think viewers will see a new side of me in Sa Puso ni Dok. They’ve seen me do heavy drama but never rom-com drama and even I was surprised that I enjoyed it! So I think that it is something that they could look forward to. And they can treasure the values that ‘Doc Gab’ will show in this program.”
What personal treasure do you want to share with your followers?
If there is one thing that Bela is very willing to share with her followers, it is nothing but her time.
“My time! I really do want to get to know everyone who’s been supporting me since Day 1 and they’ve helped improve my life so much because I wouldn’t be on TV if not for them. And I love my job! So thank you to all the people who believe I really should be where I am now. I really think it’s only right that I answer their questions as much as I can and try to show them my appreciation.”