Tips to healthy living

Coach Jim Saret, C-Lium Fibre endorser

MANILA, Philippines - Exercise, together with a healthy diet, is proven to help prevent the so-called “lifestyle diseases” like hypertension, diabetes, obesity. Many, however, hesitate to practice being healthy and fit, thinking that it takes months, if not years, to achieve.

Fortunately, fitness expert Jim Saret, known as Coach Jim in The Biggest Loser (Pinoy Edition Doubles), understands. He is the guy who created the program called MetaFIT, which speeds up a person’s metabolism and allows him to burn calories throughout the day, not just during a workout.

Coach Jim wants one to pay attention to his diet. “Most people are not really aware of what to eat and what not to eat,” he says. What should constitute your diet from hereon is lean meat, fruits and vegetables,” he enumerates.

Supplementation is also necessary to achieve good nutrition. “Take vitamin C to boost the immune system, vitamin E to slow down aging, calcium for stronger bones, CoQ10 to boost energy, creatine for muscle and memory, omega 3’s for the heart and glucosamine for your joints,” coach Jim recommends.

One of the most important components of nutrition, coach Jim emphasizes, is dietary fiber. As a student taking up his masteral degree in Exercise Physiology at Brigham Young University (USA), coach Jim learned that fiber has a multitude of health benefits that include lowering cholesterol levels, controling blood sugar, maintaining good bowel health, aiding in preventing colon disease, reducing the risks of Type 2 diabetes and blood pressure and helping achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Personally, coach Jim is a strong believer in fiber.

Coach Jim supplements the fiber in his diet by taking C-Lium Fibre, manufactured by Pascual Lab. He favors both the capsule and sachet forms. “At home, all I have to do is mix my C-Lium Fiber sachet in a glass of water and that’s it,” he says.

Having the energy to move and be active, Coach Jim is able to follow his rigorous physical training, which keeps him in tip-top shape.

(C-Lium is available in capsule and husk formats in leading supermarkets and drugstores nationwide.)

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