Body Talk with Winwyn Marquez

Did you know that Winwyn Marquez was so named because she was conceived when his parents, Joey Marquez and Alma Moreno, both won in an election?

And a winner she has turned out to be. A Business Administration graduate (major in Marketing/Management) from San Beda Alabang, Winwyn is doing well as a villainess in the GMA fantasy series Kambal Sirena as Louise delos Reyes’ rival for Aljur Abrenica. At 22 (May 4, 1992, Taurus), Winwyn weighs 115 lbs.; measures 35-24-35; and wears small/medium-size dress and size-8 shoes.

Asked how much of her is her dad and how much is her mom, Winwyn said, “My Mom is a great performer, she really loves the stage and she loves to perform and I guess I got that from her — the confidence to stand in front of a huge crowd and just dance the night away without worrying about what others will think as long as I’m enjoying what I’m doing.

“On the other hand, I think I got my dad’s focus on things. My dad taught me that life should be taken step by step and that shortcuts aren’t  a choice, that we should have a goal but always be humble to start from the bottom because after everything, I know that I’ll gain great experiences and lessons that I will always carry that can help me on the reality of life. It takes a lot of focus and discipline to get through that.

“My parents are such great people and they are such a people-person. They share their smiles to everyone they see, they share their talents so that people can be inspired; they help people as much as they can. So yeah, I’m a little bit of Alma Moreno and a little bit of Joey Marquez.”

She has half-siblings from both her parents’ other relationships. Winwyn said she’s okay with all of them.

“Yes, we are such a happy family. People might think that it’s complicated but my parents never hid anything from us; they were open and explained the situation. We were okay with that and we understood. We all know each other since Day 1 and we never treated each other as ‘half siblings’ nor have grudges against each other or whatsoever. We all are close. Yes, we may not be the traditional family but hey, I’m happy, we are happy and ‘yun ang pinaka importante.”

Any pieces of advice (tips or pointers) from your parents as far as your career is concerned?

“I should be sure that I love what I’m doing and that no one should tell me who I should be. They told me that the entertainment business has its perks but it can also bring me down emotionally and physically kaya kailangan kong matutong maging matatag.”

Known as a (retired?) skirt-chaser, Daddy Joey must have dished out to Winwyn a lot of, you know, “precautions” where boys are concerned.  

Laughed Winwyn, “We never really talk about that. I guess it’s going to be awkward when we do, hahahaha! But he always jokes about how I should stay single, or I should have a husband when I’m 60. You know, stuff like that. But there was this one time when he told me that he should never see me cry over a guy because if he does ibang usapan na ‘yun. I know he was serious and sincere. My dad is protective but not the sakal type, and I love the way he is.”

A showbiz child, Winwyn had no choice but to follow in her parents’ footsteps.

“Initially, I really didn’t know if I wanted to join showbiz because I saw how hard it was and how open you should be. But I guess it’s really in my blood. I loved performing, especially dancing and when GMA invited me to be a dancer on Party Pilipinas, I immediately fell in love with the stage; I wasn’t shy.

“When they asked me to try acting, I also fell in love with the craft just as fast. But honestly, I never lost focus on my studies which was my first priority. I plan to get my masteral degree but this time it’s going to be in line with early childhood development. I really want to be a pre-school teacher and be around kids. Let’s see if that works out and I hope it would. I never want to stop learning.”

Her aunts were fabulous models (Via Marquez, et. al.) and beauty queens (1979 Miss International Melanie Marquez, among them), so is Winwyn keeping an eye in that direction?

“I have been very vocal about wanting to join a beauty pageant. I saw how my aunts were. They tell me stories about it, how they were confident about themselves, the pride they have given to our country, the lessons they have gained, etc. I was really fascinated by it and it became a dream for me, to someday join one and experience that also. But then again, I am not rushing things; I know that I should take one step at a time. If life will really lead me there, I want to be ready.”

What sort of diet do you regularly follow?

“I actually don’t have a regular diet. I eat well and work out and I sometimes eat whatever and indulge in whatever. I’m not the type who will starve herself to death to maintain her body. I have discipline and if you have that, you know how you can control yourself from not eating fastfood or ‘unhealthy food’ and not be a couch potato.”

What’s usually for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

“I love bacon and eggs! Well, who doesn’t? Hahahaha! I eat anything but I always have an appetite for anything lutong-bahay. Give me sinigang, nilaga, tinola or bopis anytime of the day and ubos ‘yun in a minute, hahahaha!”


“I love Quaker Oats cookies.”

How much water do you take per day?

“As much as I can. I had been dehydrated and I never want to be again.”

Food that you usually crave for?

“Street food! Isaw and tokneneng!”

What vitamins are you taking?

“I drink lots of orange juice! I think that counts as taking vitamins, right? But I take multi-vitamins from time to time and Omega 3.”

How much workout do you do?

“Depends on my taping schedule. At least twice a week, if I can but if I don’t, I try to sneak in some workouts at home and it also helps that I dance twice a week because of Sunday All Stars.”

Your body looks perfect. But any part that needs improvement?

“Thank you! But I have my own share of insecurities. When I see people with full sets of abs or toned arms and legs, I get jealous sometimes but the good kind of jealousy. I use it as a motivation for me to work harder on the kind of body that I want and not because I want to look better than anyone else. I want to look good for ME and I want to feel pretty and sexy for ME.”

And the most vulnerable part?

“My heart? Hahahahaha! I think everyone’s heart is vulnerable.”

Favorite part of your body?

“My eyes!”

What part of a guy’s body do you notice first?

“The face, of course. It’s the first thing you look at when you meet someone.”

And what turns you off?

“Someone who doesn’t have an ounce of humor inside him. Someone who can’t laugh at jokes or non-sense things. I also hate those know-it-all kind of guy, ayoko ng mayabang.”

How do you take care of your skin?

 â€œIf I had a choice, I won’t wear make-up at all except lipstick, hahahaha! I only wear make-up if I have to and I think that helps my skin breathe. I always wash my face, use a toner and then I wear sunblock.”

Any other beauty secrets?

“I regularly go to a derma and get a facial every month. I think it helps that they extract the dirt on my face that my cleanser can’t reach. Another is, I have an active lifestyle; sweating helps and the results are very satisfying. Move and don’t be lazy. Dance, go to the gym, and maybe have a sauna session. Being active helps skin, body and mind a lot.”

How much sleep do you get per night?

 â€œDepends. I don’t get enough sleep since tapings usually run for 24 hours but I always see to it that I’ll take a power nap in between takes. And if I have a day-off, I sleep for hours. Bawi bawi lang.”

Favorite sleepwear?

“Oversized shirt and mini shorts.”

How many pillows do you sleep with?

“A lot and I mean a lot, hahahahaha!”

Do you snore?

“I don’t think so, hahahahaha!”

Do you talk in your sleep?

 â€œWell, my brother told me I did once. He told me I fell asleep while I was studying, so he thought my mind was still on a roll that even if I was asleep I was able to talk, hahahaha!”

Do you sleepwalk?


Last thing that you do before you go to sleep?

“I have this app on my iPhone called Holy Bible and it has this ‘verse of the day’ button. I read it before I sleep, it makes me feel light and peaceful. I got used to it and I can’t sleep if I don’t read one every night. It’s part of my routine already.”

And the first thing that you do as soon as you wake up?

“Honestly? I check my Viber, Instagram and Twitter, hahahahaha!”

How do you relax, cope with stress?

“I READ! I read anything as long as the book is nice. Reading brings me to a different world, it makes me feel different emotions and I like that. I like the feeling of being really alive when I read a book,  plus my imagination works wildly. That’s how I de-stress. I do listen to music, especially when I’m in a noisy place noisy. If I want to have a peace of mind, I just wear my earphone, close my eyes and then I’m okay already.”

Favorite hideaway? Favorite city?

 â€œWell, my favorite hideaway is my room. I would just read a book and block everything out. I can sometimes read two books in a day if I wanted to be locked out from everything else. But also I want to be able to travel not because I want to have a specific hideaway. I want to actually see what’s out there.”

How’s your love life?

“I have a happy heart.”

Name three guys that you think have nice bodies.

“Can I name more than three? Hollywood hotties are flooding my mind right now, hahahaha! Well, there’s Zac Efron, Chris Evans and, hmmm, Ryan Gosling, hahahahaha! But here, I would say Derek Ramsay, Daniel Matsunaga and Edward Mendez.”

And three women whose bodies are as nice as yours.

“I don’t think my body is as fit and sexy as theirs! Wish ko lang na ma-achieve ‘yun. They are my ‘fitspiration.’ Candice Swanepoel, Cameron Diaz/Jessica Biel (love how toned they are!), Nicole Scherzinger. I know I named more than three again, hahahaha! Sorry!”

Using only body language, how would you make a guy know that you admire him?

“Hmmmm…he won’t, hahahahaha!...unless I tell him, hahahahaha!”

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