Impassioned teenage romance

Film review: Endless Love

MANILA, Philippines - Looking at it with an open heart, losing one’s innocence means experiencing that unforgettable first taste of romantic love, even if the young couple involved comes from the opposite side of social order.

The Universal Pictures film Endless Love retells that classic Romeo-Juliet plot in a modern setting that includes graduation parties and luxury car joyride. Lead stars Alex Pettyfer and Gabriela Wilde portray working class boy David Elliot and rich girl Jade Butterfield who are suddenly caught by the love bug after their high school graduation.

Jade’s father Hugh (Bruce Greenwood) stands between them as he decidedly goes against their brewing romance right on the first night they formally enjoy a party together. That is, a post-graduation gathering at the posh home of the Butterfields and whose guests are intriguingly composed of schoolmates personally invited by David.

The chemistry between the two lead characters is convincing the moment they stared into each other’s eyes, with David’s gentlemanly hunk persona melting into Jade’s shy-type personality. While in reality the idea of a rich girl falling in love with a valet seems a long shot, the charisma that David naturally possesses allows him to take control of the situation and make his apple of the eye a willing conquest.

Because the boy actually helps the girl open up her heart and liberate herself from the confines of wealth and tradition, the audience can no way feel sorry for the latter for having to enjoy her first crack at love with someone not of her class.

“My definition of endless love is a connection between two people that grows. I can’t explain it. I guess it’s chemical,” says Pettyfer to

How this burning romance fizzles out is the ultimate question.

Directed by Shana Feste (Country Strong), Endless Love is a timely treat for couples wanting to spend a couple of hours inside a theater and get into that groove of sweet love. Young lovers should find the story directly talking to them while those young-at-heart may find this a time-travel experience to their own experience of falling in love for the first time.

Support cast includes Joely Richardson as Jade’s idealistic mom Anne, Robert Patrick as David’s mechanic-dad Harry, Emma Rigby as David’s ex-girlfriend Jenny and Rhys Wakefield as Jade’s older brother Keith, Dayo Okeniyi as David’s best friend Mace whose hilarious punch lines add good flavor to the romantic drama.

Endless Love, distributed by Solar Entertainment Corp., is now showing in theaters.

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