The way to a healthy heart

MANILA, Philippines - Valentine’s Day is nearing. Aside from planning what’s the best gift for your loved  ones, have you thought about what is also best for your heart? 

Alkaline water, according to health experts, is the better choice when it comes to delivering nutrients inside our system through the heart. Drinking alkaline mineral-rich water can benefit  our health. It can aid in digestion, soften the skin, promote healthy bones and teeth, prevent kidney stones, boost the immune system and ease stress. The alkaline mineral water is also known to be a diuretic or weight loss enhancer, offering a natural cathartic cleansing to the body and is  anti-inflammatory.

According to experts of World Health Organization, it’s important to get nutrition from water. They recommend you get about 20 percent of your daily needs of calcium and magnesium from the water you drink. The body absorbs calcium and magnesium 30 percent easier and faster from water than it does from food. Research also reveals that drinking water with enough minerals in it would reduce rates of cardiovascular disease by as much as 15 percent. The science supporting alkaline water and heart health is clear: If you want a healthy heart, drink alkaline water.

For information about alkaline water ionizers and health products like slow coldpress juicers, anti-chlorine vita-C shower filters and food sterilizers, call 806-0031, 0917-8967809 and 0922-8563926.


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