Exercise? Just do it…no excuses!

Illustration by PHOEBE MARQUEZ  

This is my current state of mind about working out. I’m bored, and it’s taking me extra effort to get back to working out. It takes more out of one to get back into something once you’ve gone on a sabbatical. Sabbatical. I guess you can call the holiday break that — a sabbatical.

More people can relate to this, and it’s cool because at least I am starting out on the same page as those who want a healthier lifestyle, but can’t seem to get started.

Flashback 2008 or 2009... I attended a yoga class by Liza, wife of direk Lauren Dyogi, at ABS-CBN. It was convenient because it was just upstairs from the studio. I noticed immediately the benefits of yoga because I had less headaches. Because of the changes in the work schedule, I couldn’t attend the classes anymore. So, back to my sedentary lifestyle.

Frankly, I’ve lost track of when I began working out. My estimate is three years ago, out of necessity because I was unfit during coverages.

When I started with working out, I only hit the Bikram studio when I had the time, and fortunately for me, they had several morning and afternoon classes that I could choose from. I also hired a running coach because it was also a pleasure for me to go to UP Diliman.

Find an activity that you look forward to. Personally, I can’t exercise if it were a chore. You have to keep on doing it, until it becomes a habit, otherwise you will slack with your objective, and give up on exercise all together. I succeeded with my first year with my goal of making exercise part of my lifestyle. Clap! Clap! Clap!  However, my work schedule changed, and reluctantly, I hit the gym — exercise machines and all — in ABS-CBN. I used to hate indoors and the treadmill. It made me feel like a guinea pig, but it was not as difficult to go to the gym because workout was already a lifestyle. I didn’t like the group classes either, but I gave them a shot. My dear gym Titas — fit and fabulous — were an inspiration, my role models, and to my surprise, I liked Body Combat. Just when I thought I found the fitness environment for me, the gym at ABS-CBN closed.

Faced with a roadblock, I went work-out searching once again, and so I discovered circuit training and got personal trainer, and I’m even trying harder now to have better food choices (emphasis on “try”).

I’ve never felt better about myself, physically. And when people compliment me about losing weight and being more fit, I tell them that it didn’t happen overnight. It took me three years of commitment and consistency of working out.

Honestly, I’m not always in the mood to exercise, like now. Because of the ever-hectic schedule before and during holidays, I missed circuit training and gym classes for a month, no swimming for two! 

I’m trying again to resume my fitness routine but I still have not gotten back all my energy-slash-enthusiasm. Prior to the holidays, I would usually exercise four to six times a week. Now, I’m back to reminding myself about the rule of working out from the book, My Best Life Diet.

Rule of thumb though, is never to make two days pass without exercise. You must exercise on the third day. Just do it. No excuses.

You may not always like exercise and healthy living, but we just need to stick to our purpose. Please trust me with this, you will see results.


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