GMA’s mini-sine Gustin wins Catholic Mass Media award

MANILA, Philippines - The Kapuso mini-sine, Gustin, created by GMA Marketing and Productions, Inc. (GMPI) brought home a Special Citation at the 2013 Catholic Mass Media Awards (CMMA).

Gustin, which was inspired by the real-life story of two boys who committed a rare deed of kindness, was recognized for â€œeffectively showing the value of honesty and the role of the family in instilling values in young ones.”

The real Gustin and his friend, Jonathan, surrendered a bag containing P300,000 to their town councilor and eventually to the rightful owner. Their story was featured in 24 Oras, and was later turned into a short film by GMPI with the hope of inspiring more viewers.

Bishop Honesto Ongtioco of the Diocese of Cubao and Rev. Fr. Angelo Parlan of Santa Maria Della Strada Parish also from the Diocese of Cubao awarded the special citation to GMPI’s Dennis Tan, Jasmin Opulencia and Jon Lara.

The annual CMMA recognizes media with responsible and socially-relevant content. The winners are selected by jurors from the academe and the clergy.

Gustin previously won a Bronze award for Advocacy from the UA&P Tambuli Awards 2013.

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