Film review: Don Jon One for the boys, too

MANILA, Philippines - Don Jon, starring Scarlett Johansson and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who also wrote and directed it, is that rare rom-com that also has the guys in mind

When one categorizes a film as a romantic-comedy more often than not, one presumes this is female domain — and men have to be dragged, kicking and screaming into the cinema.

When a rom-com has a male-centric storyline, it’ll either be loss of virginity, college high jinks or mid-life philandering. Written, directed and starred in by Joseph Gordon-Levitt (JGL), Don Jon is that rare romantic-comedy that also has the 20 and 30-something guys in mind; in a funny, thought-provoking, raunchy and realistic manner.

Jon is a true blue Jersey boy who “loves his body, his pad, his ride, his family, his boys, and his ladies,” and happens to be addicted to online porn. He even goes to Church regularly with his family, and dutifully confesses his premarital activities and his online incidents.

Love, or the seeming appearance of it, comes in the form of a certain Miss Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson), who he picks up in a club. But true to his character, Jon can’t give up the porn. He rationalizes it, defends it and gives in willingly to his obsession. How he finally learns about love, sex and relationships is what makes the film such a winner.

The dialogue is crisp and hilarious. Jon’s family is a hoot, and a welcome screen return for TV’s Tony Danza. And given JGL’s credentials, it’s not surprising to find numerous cameos in the film, which should take the moviegoer by surprise.

Guys should be forewarned that if they turn this film into a date movie, expect some third-degree questioning by their girlfriend — especially if they were laughing at the right moments.

Kudos to JGL for this directing debut — the screenplay sparkles, the editing is fast-paced and the performances deserve our approval. I especially liked Jon’s friends, his “ever-texting” sister and the surprise that comes at the end of the film as Jon discovers some truths about himself.

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