Joan Rivers hits the big 8-0

Fashion Police host Joan Rivers (left) with daughter Melissa

NEW YORK (AP) — “I’m having a great time,’’ Joan Rivers crows before offering a brisk self-appraisal: “Everything is working, my mind is fine.

“The only time I play the age card is on planes when I’m trying to put a bag above the seat: ‘I am 80 years old! Would someone please help me?!’’’

Actually, she only turned 80 on Saturday, a milestone that has prompted the E! network to stage a Joan Rivers “takeover’’: Its regular one-hour edition of Fashion Police (airing Friday at 10 p.m. EDT) will be a black-tie birthday salute, preceded nightly through Thursday by special half-hours (at 10:30 p.m. EDT) featuring guest appearances by celebrities and even victims of past fashion slams.

This means frequent-flier Rivers would soon be back on a plane for Los Angeles to tape this five-day marathon while she marvels at the success of Fashion Police,’ which, since premiering three years ago, has only tightened its grip in the culture as a wicked hybrid of style and snark.

Rivers is well-served by her co-hosts Giuliana Rancic, Kelly Osbourne and George Kotsiopoulos, all of whom can deliver shrewd analysis as well as piercing gibes at red-carpet infractions.

But Fashion Police is perfectly tailored to the comedic skills of Rivers as demonstrated by her 46-years-and-counting in show biz.

“You never relax and say, ‘Well, here I am!’’’ declares Rivers. “You always think, ‘Is this gonna be OK?’ I have never, in 46 years, taken anything for granted.’’

Except maybe the jokes she creates, tests and continuously fine-tunes. The jokes never stop. They can’t.

“The trouble with me is, I make jokes too often. That’s how I get through life. Life is so difficult — everybody’s been through something! But you laugh at it, it becomes smaller.’’

How long does she plan to keep working?

“Forever,’’ says Rivers. This time, she’s not joking.


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