Dindi sues Dark Knight comic creator and girlfriend


Could it be true that a popular TV host (I’m not saying if male or female) is regretting his/her decision to move to another network? Recently, the TV host bumped into the big boss of his/her former network at a concert and he/she expressed his/her desire to, well, “go back home.” I guess that the big boss hasn’t forgotten how the TV host put down his/her former home network while praising his/her new “home” to high heavens, so the big boss simply smiled. As the title of the Thomas Wolfe novel says, you can’t go home again.

A very talented sexy-actor was asked what his most daring sex adventure was and he revealed without batting an eyelash that he did “it” with his leading lady at the rooftop of the network they both belong to. Did it happen between takes of their soap last year? The actress must have felt “very high” when it happened. The romance was allegedly nipped in the bud by the actress’ protective mother who disapproved of the actor.

Flash report from a Funfare Update DPA, direct from the venue of a concert: The daughter of a showbiz couple was heavily making it out with her foreign-looking boyfriend throughout the concert. On a scale of 1 to 10 on being wild, the girl (who’s trying to make a name of her own in showbiz) was a “9.5.” Hmmmm, how will her Christian parents react when they get wind of their daughter’s brazen PDA (Public Display of Affection)?

This is dark — even for The Dark Knight.

That’s the subhead of a news item that came out in New York Post about Dindi Gallardo having filed a case against the Dark Knight creator and his girlfriend “for hostile work environment.” A 1993 Bb. Pilipinas-Universe (with Ruffa Gutierrez as that year’s Bb. Pilipinas-World), Dindi’s real married name is Joanna Gallardo-Mills.

Here’s the full story in New York Post, bylined Jamie Schram:

A woman who worked for legendary comic-book writer Frank Miller says she was put through hell by the “Batman” scribe’s gal pal.

In a Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit, Joanna Gallardo-Mills, 41, says Miller’s the “Sin City” creator’s girlfriend, Kimberly Cox, smeared her work area with feces, destroyed her printer with a hammer, threw phones at her, and even left a used feminine hygiene pad by her desk.

“Nobody should have to work under those conditions,” said her lawyer, high-powered employment attorney Matthew Blit.

Gallardo-Mills claims she was canned for complaining about how Cox was treating her.

The suit says Gallardo-Mills went to work for Miller — whose 1986 Batman comic series “The Dark Knight Returns” is considered revolutionary — as an executive coordinator in November 2008.

The Philippines native said it wasn’t long before there were problems with Cox, Miller’s much-younger actress girlfriend.

Cox soon made it clear she had issues with Gallardo-Mills, yelling things like, “I can’t understand your funky accent. Speak f--king English,” the suit says.

The suit notes Gallardo-Mills “has lived in the United States for over 20 years, is fully fluent in English, and only spoke English in her professional capacity” with Miller.

Cox yesterday said she was “shocked” by the suit.

“We didn’t know this was going forward because she was offered a very heavy settlement and declined,” she said.

Gallardo-Mills’ work situation went in the toilet In July 2010, when Cox allegedly threw a phone and chair at Gallardo-Mills — and “smeared human feces” on a countertop in her work area in the Hell’s Kitchen living/work space that Miller and Cox shared, the suit says.

A year later, Cox went on another rampage, the suit says, scattering all of Gallardo-Mills’ files across the floor and destroying her printer “with a hammer,” the suit says.

Then, Cox left her filthy underwear and “used menstrual pad” in her work space, the suit says.

After Gallardo-Mills complained, Miller eventually agreed to let her work out of her home to keep her away from Cox.

She’s seeking unspecified money damages from Miller and Cox for discrimination and “mental anguish.”

A rep for Miller did not return a call for comment.

Funfare Update tried to get further comment from Dindi but she begged off, saying she was advised by her lawyer to keep quiet for the time being. She added that she would soon issue an official statement. Dindi was here for a visit and for medical check-up last year. — With additional reporting by LIZ SADLER and DAREH GREGORIAN

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