Frencheska gives Tinig her best shot

MANILA, Philippines - Frencheska Farr admits she got scared in giving justice to Dulce’s role because of the depth of the diva’s character and story.

But that did not stop her from performing her best. Instead, she took it upon herself to bring out the most moving act and deliver the most convincing lines she could ever show.

“I was challenged with the role and I really want to give it my all. Even though I haven’t experienced all those painful moments in my life yet, I still want to do good,” says Frencheska.

Frencheska did her own research to know the complete story behind Dulce’s name and fame. The unabridged story was told to her by the Asia’s Diva herself.

“People should watch Tita Dulce’s story. It’s more than just a show. It’s more than just a production. It’s a blessing from God. Like me, they too will discover lessons that will change their lives.”

Frencheska and Dulce have worked together before in the hit musical Emir. No wonder the two talented singers work and get along well in any production they’re paired in.

Also in the cast are Isabella de Leon, John Arcilla, Icko Gonzalez, Miguel Estenzo, Nash Bueno and Princess Snell.

Tinig: The True-to-Life Story of Dulce airs Oct. 7, 10:30 p.m. on GMA Sunday Night Box Office. It is directed by Derrek Adapon and produced by CBN Asia (Christian Broadcasting Network), producer of The 700 Club Asia.

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