The dream house that Angel will build

Angel Aquino hosts the new Lifestyle Network show Interior Motives: I can learn a lot from it because I’m interested in interior designing

If and when Angel Aquino makes her dream house real, she said she would build it herself.

“The dominant color will have to be relaxing, maybe off-white, because I want the whole house to reflect my personality,” Angel said dreamily, “with touches of light brown here and there, and other equally cool and relaxing colors.”

That’s why when she was offered to host the new show Interior Motives, Angel said she got excited because she’s sure that on the show she will get a lot of tips about building and designing a house.

Airing starting Saturday, Aug. 4, 7 p.m. on Lifestyle Network (with replays every night except Sundays), Interior Motives features beautiful homes and spaces, and hotels, and also a different interior designer as co-host every week.

“It’s my first time to host a show solo,” said Angel who has co-hosted Studio 23 shows F with Cher Calvin and Daphne Oseña-Paez and then the just-concluded Us Girls with Iya Villania and Cheska Garcia-Kramer. “My weekly guest co-host designer will guide me on a tour of his/her recent project or work that he/she is proud of. It will be a tour of exciting discovery and I’m sure the viewers will enjoy it as much as I do.” 

For the first three episodes, Angel’s co-hosts are Ivy and Cynthia Almario (for the pilot), Budjie Layug and Louie Coscolluela.

The show comes closest to Angel’s heart because she’s interested in interior designing.

“When they told me nga about the show,” she recalled, “I could hardly wait to start it because interior designing is something I’ve always wanted to learn more about — you know, how to make your own space more beautiful and more comfortable. It’s a kind of show that will enrich me and, as I’ve said, will help me build my own little dream house.”

That dream house remains that…a dream…while Angel is saving for it.

“If ever,” she volunteered, “I will have to design it myself, with the help of one or two designers who I will meet on the show.”

Asked how different is hosting from acting (in which she excels as proven by an award), Angel confirmed, “Acting is more challenging and more taxing physically and emotionally. Hosting is more relaxing. I like how it, as I’ve said, enriches me as a person. I learn a lot from it and I get to meet people from all walks of life, people who matter. Acting and hosting are two very different fields, and I’m glad that I am able to cross over.”

Her role model in hosting is Daphne.

“She has her life well-planned,” said Angel, “I see her as someone who is living her life well and beautifully.”

Unlike Daphne who has a family (with kids by husband TV host-producer Patrick Paez), Angel is single…again!...and happily so after breaking up with an actor-TV/host under not-so-pleasant circumstances (when he accused her of being “unfaithful,” something which she vehemently denied).

“That was quite disturbing for me,” said Angel, “because I’ve never seen myself ‘that way.’ I guess I have learned a lesson from that experience.”

2012 Mrs. Universe-Philippines Joy Castillo-Pasidis will represent the country in the 2012 Mrs. Universe contest in Russia

Pampangueña named 2012 Mrs. Universe-Philippines

Joy Castillo Pasidis, 34, a freelance model from Sasmuan, Pampanga, won the 2012 Mrs. Universe Philippines title by beating 14 other hopefuls from around the country. It’s the first time for a Mrs. U-Phl to be chosen in a contest, held last July 25 at the AFP COC, Camp Aguinaldo Compound, Quezon City. Previous representatives to Mrs. Universe Pageant were either handpicked or appointed by pageant organizers.

“We are looking for a Filipina who will best represent our country and who can articulate our organization’s mission and vision and who can finally bring home an international beauty title for married women,” said Hemilyn Escudero, chairperson of Mrs. Universe-Philippines and former Mutya ng Pilipinas.

Joy will represent the Philippines in the Mrs. Universe Beauty Pageant to be held in Rostov, Russia, from Aug. 5 to 13. The pageant aims to empower married women around the world through its main advocacy on Women and Children’s Rights and the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Children. — Reported by Funfare’s ‘beauty experts’ Felix Manuel, Joey Cezeare, Gery Yumping and Francis Calubaquib

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