Anna Banana boy hobnobs with progressive artists

MANILA, Philippines - The popularity of YouTube sensation Derek Lorenzo of the Anna Banana video that has clinched more than a million hits since its upload early this year is crossing over with lightning speed from cyberspace into the real world.

The 13-year-old star of the PLDT myDSL commercial recently graced the third Urban Music Awards (UMA) as presenter. At the event, the teenager hobnobbed with the likes of Amber (who was named Best Female Artist), Jay R (Most Influential R&B Icon), Someday Dream (People’s Choice Awards), Thyro & Yumi (Best Original Song for Kiss) and Dash Calzado (Best Rap Artist), all of whom, like Derek, recognize more than ever the potency of the Internet in promoting talent that otherwise would have gone unnoticed before the advent of social media platforms.

Derek is still on cloud nine over the success of his video which shows him singing an original, hip-hop/rap composition inspired by his crush. Like the storyline of the PLDT commercial, Derek’s mom really championed his son’s video by holding an almost one-woman campaign to have it seen by as many people as possible. Aside from the raw and inspiring talent that Derek demonstrated in his work, it is this tight bond between mother and child that convinced PLDT myDSL to give Derek his very own commercial.

“We liked it that he got discovered online and that his song is just so raw and sincere. People began to share and ‘Like’ the video but few know that behind the success of Derek’s video is a mother’s love who believes in his son a hundred percent,” said Myla Villanueva, PLDT senior product manager.

Although he is yet to have a follow-up to Anna Banana, Derek admits to have been watching even more music videos online lately in the hopes of getting inspiration for his next “hit” song. Happily, his family has had a PLDT myDSL subscription even before his breakout success, hence, researching online is never a problem for him nor for other family members.

“If you have a dream, go for it. Just do it,” Derek quipped when asked to give an advice to people who want to follow in his path.

It is the same guiding principle that winners and nominees in the year’s UMA undoubtedly go by. These artists cater to a niche market and they opt to keep true to their genre regardless of music trends. This integrity and the desire to grow in what they do best certainly hone them into becoming top-notch artists that produce quality OPM.

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