Vicki not moving back, simply moving on slowly

MANILA, Philippines - As the song says, ‘it takes too long to learn to live alone.’ But during an unscheduled lunch with friends yesterday at Romulo’s Café (Scout Lazcano corner Scout Tuason, Quezon City), Dr. Vicki Belo said that she’s moving on slowly but surely, neither moving nor looking back. ‘No, I haven’t found a new love,’ she added, more than two months after she broke up with long-time lover Hayden Kho. ‘It’s too soon.’ Vicki (seated, second from left) is with (seated, also from left) Dorothy Espiritu (of The Belo Medical Clinic), Ricky Lo and Jojo Gabinete; and (back row, from left) Dr. Maricar Cruz, Vicki’s daughter Cristalle Henares (co-hostess), Lolit Solis, Salve Asis and Ronald Constantino. (Not photo is Gorgy Rula who left early.) 

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