Pedro Calungsod bio flick

MANILA, Philippines - International Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (IPI) announces the filming of Pedro, the life story of Blessed Pedro Calungsod, the soon-to-be canonized Filipino martyr from Cebu City.

Also based in Cebu, IPI is one of the country’s largest manufacturers of high-quality pharmaceutical and personal care products like Omega pain killer, Casino ethyl alcohol, Bioderm germicidal soap, among others. 

 Niño Muhlach will co-direct the bio flick along with advertising and computer graphics director Richard Ang.

Last March 16, the former child superstar, together with IPI president and CEO Pio Castillo and his wife Myrna and IPI VP and COO Dennis Wong, visited the Archdiocesan Shrine of Blessed Pedro Calungsod in Archbishop’s residence compound, Cebu City.

 The group met Monsignor Ildebrando Leyson, postulator and co-chairman of the Commission on Blessed Pedro Calungsod, who was happy to give his blessing for Niño’s production team in doing the historical movie.

 “It’s an honor for our company to produce this dream film project about Pedro Calungsod,” says Pio.

Blessed Pedro Calungsod was a young Filipino altar boy, lay catechist and martyr, who, along with Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores, suffered religious persecution and martyrdom in Guam for their missionary work in 1672.

Through Calungsod’s missionary efforts, many native Chamorros converted to Roman Catholicism. On March 5, 2000, Calungsod was beatified by Blessed Pope John Paul II.

 Last Feb. 18, Pope Benedict XVI officially announced at Saint Peter’s Basilica that Calungsod will be canonized on Oct. 21 this year, making him the second Filipino saint after San Lorenzo Ruiz.

 “This is our way of helping the Church spread about the life and martyrdom of our second saint to the Filipino audience,” adds Pio.

The young actor who will play Pedro Calungsod in Pedro will be announced soon.

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