Richard Quan topbills 5 Girls and a Dad

MANILA, Philippines - NET 25 of Eagle Broadcasting Corporation presents its initial drama offering billed as 5 Girls and a Dad, a family-oriented drama about single parent families, written by award-winning novelist and screenplay writer Lualhati Bautista (Bata, Bata… Paano ka Ginawa? and Dekada ’70) and under the direction of Elson Montalba. Richard Quan plays the lead role of Lorenzo “Enzo” Legaspi.

Enzo is a taxi-operator/driver, left to take care of his five daughters — Dixie Nedic (Mimay, the eldest), Kate Nizedel (Anna Lisa), Abby Quilnat (Alex), Chesca “Cruzita” Salcedo (Valerie, the child with autism). The Legaspi brood was orphaned by Veron (Lara Quigaman) after giving birth to their fifth child, Angel.

“I don’t feel any pressure and I don’t even want to entertain it in my system,” Richard says about being the series’ lead. “What I just want is for people to watch it. We are offering something new. With each episode, laging may matutuhan ang mga audiences.”

“I still could not believe that this is happening,” Richard admits. “I have been in the business for 17 years now and somehow, it feels like I am starting again. All this attention, the autograph-signing, the requests of people for photographs, the presscon, nakakataba ng puso. My emotions about all these are mixed. Yes, I am excited, inspired and quite nervous. I’m downplaying it, putting my feet firmly on the ground.”

He continues, “My heart is focused on the positive. Our scripts are very well-written, values-infused siya but not preachy. Pag- pinanood mo siya, yung lessons will just hit you. I give credit to my co-actors, magagaling ang mga kasama kong artista. This is my first time playing husband to Lara and ang ganda ng chemistry namin. All the young girls who play my daughters, you will be surprised kasi parang hindi mga newcomers.”

For Richard, there is really no difference between doing a small or big role because what is important to him is that he enjoys fleshing out the character. “As an actor, I pick a role that interests me. Enzo is a very interesting character, emotionally and physically demanding rin siya. This is my first time to play a widower and a father of five kids na pulos babae pa, so this is very exciting.”

Thanks to the role, he has realized that fatherhood is far from easy — more so, if the children are all girls. “As a parent, you must really inculcate good values. Communication is very important. You must also earn their trust. Enzo is not perfect, he has flaws, but he tries to be a good father,” the actor says.   

Leo Martinez (Jupiter, Veron’s father) and Vangie Labalan, (Venus, Enzo’s mother) are also in the cast.

“This new series is very timely. It will make you laugh and cry. It will make you love your parents even more and appreciate their sacrifices. Each episode will bring enlightenment and a better understanding of the relationship that goes on between a father and a daughter,” concludes Richard.

5 Girls and a Dad airs Mondays to Fridays starting tomorrow, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

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