Matanglawin tackles animal survival skills

MANILA, Philippines - Can the madlang people be at par with animals when it comes to survival?

Kuya Kim Atienza (photo) answers this question via an experiment today as he probes on animals’ survival skills in Matanglawin.

It’s definitely survival of the fittest in animalandia and each one has its own tactics to live. The pebble toad for example will jump off cliffs to avoid being eaten by tarantulas and the only thing that can save it is its ability to bounce like a ball.

The slow loris, degu and elephant shrew may be small and cute but these animals have poison, bad smells and speed on their side to defend themselves.

Humans have their own way of surviving but can man adapt to the environment using the animals’ survival skills? The madlang people help out Kuya Kim for the answers.

Watch Matanglawin today at 9:30 a.m. on ABS-CBN.

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