LVN: Home of costume movies

In the ‘40s and ‘50s, LVN was the home of costume pictures. Its stars played kings and queens, princess and princesses. Angels and demons, fairies and witches, too.

In 1951, there were, among many others, two costume pictures: Haring Cobra (Rogelio de la Rosa, Lilia Dizon) and Reyna Elena (Mila del Sol, Jaime de la Rosa).

Mila and Jaime played the title roles in Haring Solomon at Reyna Sheba (1952). Rogelio and Lilia co-starred in Sohrab at Rustum (1950) and Dimas (1952).

Much earlier, in 1946, Rogelio and Mila were together in Principeng Hindi Tumatawa, based on the story by former first lady Doña Aurora Aragon vda. de Quezon.

All those costume pictures were, of course, produced by LVN.— RKC

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