Daniel Radcliffe receives Trevor award

NEW YORK (AP) — Daniel Radcliffe (photo) looks forward to a tolerant world where young people grow up unaffected by differences in sexual orientation.

For the past couple of years, the Harry Potter star has been doing his part to make that a reality with his work with the Trevor Project, the leading organization for suicide prevention efforts among gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered youths.

For his contribution, Radcliffe is being honored with the organization’s Hero Award at a ceremony in New York in June.

“It’s fantastic,” Radcliffe told The Associated Press. “The fact that they think of what I’ve done by promoting awareness of the Trevor Project itself and the issues that it works to promote and help is a great honor.”

The Trevor Hero Award, announced Monday, recognizes a person who serves as an inspiration to sexual minority youths and increases visibility and understanding of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning, or LGBTQ, community. Past Hero Award recipients include screen and stage actor Nathan Lane, screenwriter Dustin Lance Black and former Miss America and Ugly Betty actress Vanessa Williams.

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