We miss our Daddy Romy
Today, March 10, marks the 40th day since my father-in-law Romeo Babao Sr. joined our Creator on that fateful day of Jan. 31.
Daddy Romy, as I fondly called him, succumbed to a fatal brain hemorrhage, resulting from a bad fall. The emergency brain surgery he underwent initially showed hopeful signs that he was going to survive, but on the third day, his brain swelled and this time Daddy didn’t make it.
He was diabetic, and had a heart problem so he had been taking this blood thinner for a long time. This blood thinner was a double-edged dagger — while it saved Daddy from a possible heart attack, this same medication was the culprit — the reason why the blood did not clot after Daddy’s head hit the pavement. His blood was too thin, and a second brain surgery was no longer possible.
We were there in the Neuro-ICU, until his very last breath. We cried and prayed so hard, for God to give Daddy a second chance to live. Alas, God had other plans. It was Daddy’s time.
Come to think of it, Daddy had been given many life extensions. Last year, he almost had a fatal hypoglycemia. He also had a prostate operation.
After that, Daddy had this impatient desire and yearning to come home to Manila.
He even went back to Davao to reunite with his brothers who he hasn’t seen for a long time. It was one of the happiest moments of his life.
Losing Daddy Romy was a most painful experience. Doubly sad because he passed away the day before my son Nio turned one year old and only two days short of my mom-in-law, Mommy Cena’s birthday. There should have been cause for a merry celebration of double birthdays. Instead, we were in pain, we were grieving.

Perhaps Daddy chose this date of his death since it was close to two important birthdays. That way, we will always remember his passing. Maybe his message was — we should rejoice and not be sad, and choose to remember the happy times spent with him.
At the wake, my daughter Antonia came close to the coffin of Daddy. We took a photo of Anya whispering something to Daddy. When I asked she said, “I asked Lolo when he will wake up.”
I told her that “Lolo Papa” is not sleeping, and that he is now with God, in heaven. She understood. My daughter is brave. There was an instance when she even lifted the fiberglass cover of the coffin and touched Daddy’s cold hands. She was so curious how a lifeless body felt.
* * *
Days after Daddy Romy’s burial, Julius and our two kids experienced what seemed to be a message from Papa.
In his Facebook account, Julius wrote, “When my father was still in the hospital I decided to make a napkin holder using found objects. I glued together Antonia’s old sparrow toy, a stone with FREEDOM engraved on it and painted it black. Little did I know that next day my father would pass away.
Today a sparrow entered our house. Our helpers caught the bird and showed it to my daughter Antonia and my son Nio. After seeing the two kids the sparrow flew away. I researched on what a sparrow symbolizes. I was stunned to see this on a superstition website: “Sparrows carry the soul of a loved one.” Whether it is true or not, I believe that my father is still around watching over us and guiding us towards the right path.”
There are things in life that are hard to explain. It has been a common belief among those who experienced death in the family that souls appear in the form of birds and butterflies. Some say they even communicate in our dreams.
I believe that Papa Romy wanted to tell us that he will be alright.”
* * *
Death is inevitable. We are all but passersby in this world.
How we wished for Daddy to live longer to a ripe old age of 80, 90 or even older.
Sometimes, we are still in denial — there are days when we could not believe that Daddy is gone. His presence is strongly felt — “nagpaparamdam” .
Sometimes, we wish we could turn back the hands of time and go back to that fateful day — thinking perhaps we could have done something to prevent Daddy’s bad fall.
But who are we to question when God says, “It’s time”?
Daddy was to turn 74 this coming April 4.
He lived 73 fruitful years. It was a life well lived.
He was a good provider. A great husband, father and Lolo.
I thank you Daddy Romy; you raised good children.
Julius is the man of dignity that he is now, because you lived by example.
I wish I spent more years with you.
I am sad, but it comforts me to know that you are at peace now in heaven, with your twin sister Juliet.
Your beloved wife, Mommy Cena, your children, Romy Jr., Julius, Lourdes and your apos all miss you terribly, but we let you go and leave you under the care of God’s hands.
Goodbye, Daddy Romeo. Pray for us as you smile down upon us from Heaven. We love you.
The Babao family wishes to thank all those who prayed for us, helped and supported us in our grieving period, sent flowers, mass cards and plenty of food. Eating was Daddy Romy’s fave activity since he has no other vices.
Thank you to the caring experts of St. Luke’s Medical Center.
Thank you to Mr. Raffy Jose and family of Arlington Memorial Chapels for your generosity and support.
Thank you to the Heritage Memorial Park staff.
Your kindness will never be forgotten.
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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