Summer project for parents, kids

MANILA, Philippines - Moms and dads also enjoy vacation during summer when their kids in school are on vacation, so they can all engage in bonding activities with their toddlers and newborns in Musikgarten’s program called “All together now.”

With activities ranging from singing, dancing and playing of simple musical instruments with toddlers and babies, parents will never run out of bonding activities that they can try and learn at Musikgarten then bring home with them.

For kids ages five and up, they step up to a higher form of training. The star-to-be program, a vocal and stage performance training and instrument training in piano, guitar, violin, flute, saxophone and drums are all under Stardev program.

All music training will be capped by a live performance involving all the students which will offer another opportunity to each child to build confidence and learn and play sociably with their peers.

The trainings will be supervised by Nikki Junia, also known as Teacher Michelle, the owner of the Musikgarten and Stardev music schools.

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