The devil's whisper in Midnight DJ

MANILA, Philippines - Tonight’s episode of Midnight DJ sees the team returning to the lowlands after its nightmarish experience in Bodjie’s (Joaqui Tupas) ancestral home in Baguio City.

On their way home, Samboy (Oyo Sotto), Bodjie, Andrea (Desiree del Valle) and QT (Meg Imperial) receive a call from Jake (Xian Lim) informing them that Jessie (Lauren Young) has disappeared in an inn where an entire family killed each other mysteriously.

The fearless MDJ bunch spends the night there and discovers Jessie is alive but under the demon’s spell. They are confronted by scary inn caretaker Aling Hobeng (Lui Manansala) who orders them to leave before the devil appears to claim their lives.

Although Samboy and company will not leave sans Jessie, they must first learn how to save her while she’s enslaved by the devil. MDJ airs at 8:30 p.m. on TV5.

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