Cherie Gil in love

Then: Aug. 8, 1988 — Twenty two years ago

The right man has come along, or so it seems as far as Cherie Gil is concerned. The versatile actress and singer has just discovered that love comes when one least expects it. Cherie talks with stars in her eyes, a far cry from her somber mood last year after she broke off with the father of her baby. The man of the moment is no other than internationally known violinist Rony Rogoff.

“I feel that my whole life has changed because of Rony. I feel whole and very much a part of the universe. Of course what makes it different this time is my new spirituality. It is another beginning for me.”

The woman in love also makes her look at the good side of things. The negative vibes she has discarded and let go. Cherie is now being managed by good friend George Sison. And it was George who introduced her to Rony. Rony Rogoff is an Israeli who has become a world citizen because of his music. He has been a frequent visitor of the Philippines and a popular performer at CCP and in most other capitals in the world. He was once married to model Ping Valencia and they have a daughter. He is now based in New York.

But back to Cherie. She feels that the pieces in her life are now jelling together in a glorious whole. At the Marcello Ristorante, a “Sing it all” favorite of George’s group, she was all radiant with love as she sings a beautiful love song to Rony. It seems she found her soul mate in him and she has never been happier.

Cherie, as of this writing, is in Israel visiting Rony’s family. She traveled with him to Europe and while in the US she linked up with her folks. She joined Eddie Mesa and Rosemary Gil and brothers Mark and Michael for a series of evangelical concerts her family is now very much involved with.

“I feel very happy and at peace and I want to share this feeling with a lot of people.”

“What made you turn to religion?”

“First, it was the turmoil in my life. I was busy with my career but not really that happy where it was going. I am one of those artists who keep on searching for something more meaningful to do. We know of course that at the moment, that kind of thing is hardly possible in the industry. There are very little options. Plus, of course the fact that my private life was not going very well. I have really gone into a lot of pain.”

It was at this time that she sought out friends to regain her perspectives. One of them is George, a friend and an expert on the tenets of positive thinking and prosperity. Cherie was able to open up to George and sessions with him gave her the peace and understanding she had been looking for.

“It was as if all of sudden I had time to rest from emotional upheavals. I discovered time to ponder and set my priorities. This was a divine time and I discovered many beautiful things about people and other things. It was like being reborn. Problems become smaller and could be sorted out in their proper dimensions. I was in control.”

It was at this time that she met Rony and Cherie feels it was the best timing for her. She had been hurt and wary of relationships. But being with Rony was like coming home. Today, even her own career is getting a new boost. But what is best is the fact that she finally understands her family’s religious involvement and she wants to be part of it.

Rony, too, feels that he and Cherie found each other at the right time. Now they feel that they can nurture each other with their care and love. One has to work hard to make a relationship work. This time both are putting in efforts to make this work.

Marriage! Cherie just smiled when we brought up the subject. She smiled, her way of saying there is no great hurry. At present it is just great to be in love and spending time together in different parts of the world.

NOW: July 25, 2010  

Cherie and Rony finally got married and they have two adorable children. They have lives all over the world where Rony’s career takes them. Several years back I was able to meet up with Rony in New York where he told me of the amazing developments in his life with Cherie. After New York, they were based in Europe for a long time until Cherie decided to come home to go back to her career. They now admit to living separately but trying to maintain a long-distance relationship.

Cherie’s career is up again with her regular teleserye appearance in Rubi. The latest development in her colorful career is her playing the role of Maria Callas in Master Class. Rony is still very much in demand for performances all over the world. George Sison is still busy holding his regular classes on his Temple of Prosperity and helping people attain financial independence.

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