Rayver graduates from college

Rayver tackles serious topics with ease.

MANILA, Philippines - When Star Magic talent Rayver Cruz graduated last April from St. Francis of Assisi College, it was the fulfillment of a dream he and his parents shared.

Rayver made a pact with his late father Rodolfo that he will never stop schooling should he enter the hectic world of show business.

It is a promise he kept and he is now a proud holder of a degree in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Management.

Rayver credits his school for helping him cope with the demands of his career alongside his academic load. He attended classes like everyone else and took part in St. Francis of Assisi College’s Home Study Program.

“I would never have been able to do it without the support of the faculty and administration of the school.”

Rayver knows that showbiz is temporary. “Being a movie star is not forever,” says he. “We should not neglect our studies.”

Rayver also dreams of becoming a pilot. He is fascinated by airplanes ever since he was little. He has not given up this dream.

He admits missing his dad’s presence especially the sermons. He gives credit to his mother for always  being there for him, his long time handler and tutor Willie Daguia who continues to guide his career, director Chito Roño for being his mentor and his school, St. Francis of Assisi College who taught him humility and perseverance.

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