Ashley Tisdale face-to-face with E.T.s

MANILA, Philippines - Ashley Tisdale a.k.a. Sharpay puts her best foot forward once again in the family adventure comedy Aliens in the Attic as she takes on the role of Bethany along with a pool of young comedic talents Robert Hoffman, Carter Jenkins, Austin Butler, Ashley Boettcher, Henri Young and Reagan Young.

The family adventure comedy is about kids discovering aliens in their attic and their determination to save their oblivious parents. Ashley plays the older sister of the family, Bethany, who she describes as, “uptight and unlikable in the beginning and obsessed with her boyfriend Kevin,” but she mellows and “redeems herself” when she joins forces with her younger siblings in tackling the extra terrestrials.

Excerpts from an interview with Ashley:

As a movie, what do you liken Aliens in the Attic to?

It’s shot in the same vein as kids classics, like The Goonies — best kids film of all time — and Gremlins — loved Gremlins — movies I saw growing up.

How else are you like Bethany?

She’s the older sister and I was the baby of our family, so I don’t know about that. But when I was younger I did used to go boy crazy like she does. When I was with someone, he was all that mattered. Thankfully I’ve grown up a bit. I’m so different now I’m nearly 24!

Have you become a role model?

Apparently. Vanessa (Hudgens) and I were at the American Music Awards, freaking out because we were sitting next to Celine Dion and she turned to me and thanked me so much for being a role model for her son. There we were; new best friends with Celine! And I had always looked up to her!

Who were your role models growing up?

My mom and my sister. I think kids need people that are reachable and for me it was my mom because she is confident, strong and I wouldn’t be here without her.

With Aliens in the Attic, was it a relief not to be breaking into song every five minutes?

Aliens was different, yes, but I’ve loved doing both. And there were similarities. There were lots of CGI in this and I found that doing those scenes was exactly like learning the choreography for High School Musical; how to move around and interact with aliens when they weren’t really there.

What keeps you grounded in all the frenzy of work and recognition?

My stuffed penguin. He comes everywhere with me! No, that’s true but it’s my family really. We speak all the time and they don’t let me get a big head. My parents sent me to a regular high school, I had a normal childhood, worked in a clothing store as a teenager. And that upbringing has made me even more grateful for what I have today.

Aliens in the Attic opens today in theaters.

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