American Idol sans Paula

Paula Abdul is out of American Idol (AI) and no matter what the news and rumor mills tell us, we will never know the reason why. Did Fox really refuse to give her a salary she deserves? Does she really have a drinking problem? Were the other judges getting better treatment? Was she at times spaced out and incoherent?

We do not know the answers because no one among us is privy to what goes on in the boardrooms of the powers that be in big business television. And even if the people at Fox, which produces Idol, might be telling us the truth about why Paula is out, we will still not know the difference.

What I do know is what a difference it will make for me and maybe for you, too, not to see Paula in AI. Randy Jackson is nice and knowledgeable. Simon Cowell is either honest or unpleasant. You can take or leave these guys. Paula though makes for good viewing. She is the nice hostess or leading lady who tries to make everybody feel good.

Last season’s new addition to the judges’ panel Karla Dioguardi did not do that and I doubt if she will this time around. I think it will be the same with the guest female judges like Victoria Beckham, who was formerly Posh Spice, who are now sitting in the auditions.

I guess this is because, thanks to Cowell’s massive growth in popularity over the past nine years, new judges might think that it would be better to be sarcastic, abrasive or at the very least, painfully honest to be good for the show.

And you know what happens when there is a lot of unpleasant stuff around, people will go off in search of pleasant surroundings where people are nice. Like Paula. And she’s not in Idol anymore.

What will change this situation will be the composition of the final 12 contestants. You know how reality TV works. There has to be drama and comedy that viewers can relate to. They also like the idea of being able to play god and decide the fate of the contestants. Then there are the songs, having a lot of their old favorites playing in the soundtrack can keep people glued to their sets.

The unknown factor that will make or break Idol will be the composition of the finalists. This is the X-factor in the show. If the judges prove lucky or astute enough and are able to assemble 12 budding stars, whom viewers would want to watch week after week after week, AI will be fine. But if these kids fail to impress then Idol will be in a big trouble.

Every show or movie or whatever needs a star and Paula provided that presence long before the first Idol was chosen and before the show soared up the ratings worldwide. Her career might have been in hiatus when AI started but she had been on top and had an easily recognizable face and name.

Paula was a Lakers cheerleader who became a choreographer for big names like Michael, Janet and other Jacksons. She switched to singing and had multi-platinum selling albums like Forever Your Girl and Spellbound and singles like Straight Up, Rush Rush, Coldhearted, Promise of a New Day, Blowing Kisses in the Wind, Opposites Attract and other hits. She had won Grammys, MTV Moonmen and other awards. She was married to actor Emilio Estevez.

Paula came to American Idol, already a star. In contrast, only music industry insiders knew who Jackson was and although already a big name in Europe and the UK, nobody elsewhere knew who Cowell was. So it was Paula with the bright smile and the need to dance to every beat, who provided AI with star presence in those early days.

Of course, like everybody else in the show, Paula’s popularity zoomed even higher with Idol over the years. And admit it, although they do bicker and even fight at times, Paula, Randy and Simon plus host Ryan Seacrest have become like family to the millions who watch the show all over the world.

And nobody likes losing a member of one’s family. I am sure that not having Paula there will change a lot of things.

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