Nido pays tribute to moms

MANILA, Philippines – Tomorrow, Nido Fortified leads the whole nation in honoring all mothers in a special Mother’s Day celebration on ABS-CBN’s A.S.A.P. ’09.

“This is the only day in the entire year where we get to honor our moms. This is our gift to all the mothers who have always put their children’s needs above their own,” says Susana Aquino, Nido Fortified brand manager.

What’s in store for mom on her big day? The country’s biggest performers including Sharon Cuneta will pay tribute to mothers through various production numbers.

Winners of Nido Fortified’s My #1 Video contest will also be announced. It is an on-line contest where mothers were encouraged to send in music videos of her and her children with the You’re My #1 song as soundtrack.

The contest was launched on Multiply last January and hundreds of entries were received from moms all over the country who want to show everyone how special their children are.

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